to meet life on our own terms.. we take so much for granted.. life really is fragile.. we all just get this one chance at living, we owe it to ourselves to make a go for it, nothing in life ever comes easy.. life is also progressive, we have to move on, look ahead.. we can't change what is past, what's already happened.. but we can make a difference now, do things the way we want to live the way we want to.. we definitely can make a difference to our future.. don't let the past bring you down, pull you back, have faith and confidence in yourself and live life on your terms. there are two ways of looking at things.. either we can be happy and lead our lives or we can be miserable and lead it.. our life is still the same, it's just the state of mind that is different, we still each has to live it, only we have to decide how we want to do it.. what a lucky and unique person we are and it's not right for us to feel so miserable, so pensive about everything.. we must snap out of it.. only we can do it.. everything you have, good health, looks a beautiful caring heart.. youth.. loving people around.. what more could one want, let the past be, let the future take care of itself.. live your todays to the full, on your terms, and don't rue life, rejoice in it.. see how that happiness shines from you and pervades everything around.. it's infectious y'know and soon that shroud of loneliness wouldn't be visible at all, it has no place around a happy heart.. this world is not there to share our tears, that we alone bear.. so why should we carry that burden around so much.. why worry about fulfilling your dreams.. go ahead and do so.. in dreams there are possibilities.. and of course we can make them come true, make them happen.. no we none of us have the answers.. but that doesn't stop us from trying from achieving our goals.. yes that strength is there within us.. but we don't have to learn to live alone.. why should we do that .. rather learn to be strong within yourself.. a complete person.. i can understand what loneliness can be like.. but don't let yourself shatter like this.. one day you'll find that person who touches your heart, your soul, that loneliness would simply melt away.. but have confidence in yourself.. keep the faith that this will happen, believe me it will.. i can understand your fears and that yearning craving for love that one can have in spite of so many loving people around, as if your soul is still thirsty waiting for fulfilment.. it's natural, but don't let it overshadow everything, don't let the fears of future and loneliness keep you from living an optimistic life, stop you from living at all.. it is not bad to be weak or show the moments of fear and insecurity, we are all human we all go through it at some time or another.. but we owe it to ourselves not to carry it around like a shroud, not to wallow in it constantly.. to rise above it and accept and learn from it makes us a better and stronger person.. yes, we should face our own demons because that's the only way we can move on in life.. by accepting the truth of our misery, and being strong enough to overcome it.. don't look for fulfillment outside.. find it within yourself.. and one day you'll meet the man who completes the picture.. believe it will happen.. in this maze find the right way, going after mirages and coming up against blank walls is both hurtful and demeaning to you, don't do it to yourself..
Thank you 3️⃣4️⃣
😘1️⃣Thank you so much darling for an awesome recommendation.. for knowing
i would like it because it was all you said.. thought-provoking to me,
cute, i...
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