Saturday, June 18, 2022

Devdutt Pattanaik on Gita

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👂You may value me for what i have and what i do.. but i am not what i have or what i do.. if you love me focus on who i am.. my hungers and my fears.. and my potential to focus on who you are 

👂Humans are helpless before the force of nature, karma determines the circumstances of our life and guna determines the personality of people around us.. we can at best understand these but we cannot control them.. attempts at control only create dreadful consequences that haunt over generations and lifetimes

👂Seek HIM not HIS

👂Every moment is a fruit of the past and seed of the future

👂I do not bind myself to the fruit of my action, my actions do not entrap me 

👂If you control your mind it is your friend.. if your mind controls you it is your enemy( taken frm gita)

👂Action focussed on intent is better than action focussed on outcome (gita)

👂To discover the God within, we have to go beyond our slice of reality and appreciate the hungers and fears of those around us 

👂Va-nara, Nara, Nara-yana represent three aspects of existence: animal, human and divine. 

👂There are three gunas known as triguna.. tamas, rajas and sattva.. tamas tends towards inertia so dominates the elements.. rajas tends towards activity so dominates the animals and sattva tends towards balance so dominates in humans.. but they are all found interchangeably in humans as from sattva comes knowledge from rajas desire from tamas ignorance.. affecting rebirth according to the dominating emotion at time of death.. 

👂Three paths to establish relationships.. 1.human conduct..2. human emotions and 3. human identity.. they are interdependent.. one cannot exist without the other.. without 1. karma yoga we have nothing to give or receive.. 2. Without bhakti yoga we are machines that feel nothing for each other.. 3.without gyan yoga we have no value purpose or meaning.. 

👂Can you and i participate in a relationship without seeking to control the behaviour of the other? 

👂We need to appreciate the reality of nature and potential of humanity, while enjoying the various flavours of existence

👂Outgrow desires hungers and fears of the self by gaining perspective on the desires hungers and fears of others 

👂Let each one of us be like an inverted banyan tree.. forever nourished by the sky.. and forever nourishing the earth 

👂Liberation essentially is letting go of our insecurities that disconnect us from others 

👂To let our potential be realized without deriving our identity from it, or without denying its existence, is the hallmark of wisdom.

👂To want nothing is as delusional as to want everything.. the wise want nothing but accept whatever comes their way, letting it pass when it is time to part ways 

👂The solution is not to fight harder, for that only leads to making things worse.. the solution is to stop fighting and have faith another force will intervene 

👂Rather than imagining violation, being heroic or acting like a martyr, vedic wisdom suggests that we recognize maya, moha and mada at work, stop struggling over imagined boundaries, and have faith that life is shaped by many other forces, not just the ones we have control over 

👂As long as we dont have faith, we carry the burden of solving all problems. We will be impatient and fight and cling. Wisdom is enjoying things that drift in and letting go of things that drift away, like watching the waves drift in and out of the beach.

👂There is no violation in nature. Only violence. Violation follows when we grant meaning to things and derive our identity from them. 

👂The veil of measurements and hierarchies delude all those who try to make sense of it (gita)

18 rules set by dalai lama

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Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.

Follow the three Rs:

Respect for self

Respect for others

Responsibility for all your actions.

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

Spend some time alone every day.

Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.

Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

Live a good, honourable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.

A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.

In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.

Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.

Be gentle with the earth.

Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.

Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.

Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

Thank you for reading these rules for living.  Lets practice them together and make the world a better place.

Leo babuta - daily changes

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Start with a simple statement: what do you want to be?

Are you hoping to someday be a writer, a musician, a designer, a programmer, a polyglot, a carpenter, a manga artist, an entrepreneur, an expert at something?

How do you get there? Do you write your intention on a piece of paper, and put it in a bottle and launch it to sea, hoping it will manifest? No. The universe isn’t going to make this happen. You are.

Do you set yourself a big goal to complete by the end of the year, or in three months? Sure, but that doesn’t get the job done. In fact, if you think back on most examples in your life, setting big long-term goals probably doesn’t work very often. How many times has this strategy been successful?

I’m going to lay down the law here, based on many many experiments I’ve done in the last 7 years: nothing will change unless you make a daily change.

I’ve tried weekly action steps, things that I do every other day, big bold monthly goals, lots of other permutations. None of them work except daily changes.

If you’re not willing to make it a daily change, you don’t really want to change your life in this way. You only like the idea of learning to draw/speak Japanese/play guitar/program in php/etc. You don’t really want to do it.

So make a daily change. Let’s dig into how it’s done!

How to Turn an Aspiration Into a Daily Change

Let’s name a few aspirations:

lose weight

write a book

stop procrastinating

fall in love

be happy

travel the world

drink more water

learn Spanish

save money

take more pictures

read more books

How do you turn those lofty ideas into daily changes? Think about what you could do every day that would make the change happen, or at least get you closer to the goal. Sometimes that’s not always easy, but let’s look at some ideas:

lose weight – start walking every day, for 10 minutes at first, then 15 after a week, then 20 … once you are walking for 30-40 minutes a day, make another change — drink water instead of soda.

write a book – write for 10 minutes a day.

stop procrastinating – I can already hear the ironic (and original!) jokes about how people will deal with procrastination later (har!). Anyway, a daily action: set a Most Important Task each morning, then work on it for 10 minutes before opening your browser/mobile device.

fall in love – go somewhere each day and meet/social with new people. Or do daily things that make you a fascinating person.

be happy – do something each day to make the world better, to help people.

travel the world – save money (see next item). Or start selling your stuff, so you can carry your belongings on a backpack and start hitchhiking.

save money – start cutting out smaller expenses. Start cooking and eating at home. Sell your car and bike/walk/take the train. Start looking for a smaller home. Do free stuff instead of buying things.

drink more water – drink water when you wake up, then every time you take a break (once an hour).

learn Spanish – study Spanish sentences in Anki and listen to Pimsleur tapes 10 minutes a day.

take more pictures – take pictures at lunch (but dear jeebus, not of your lunch) and post them to your blog.

read more books – read every morning and before you go to bed.

You get the idea. Not all of these are perfect ideas, but you could come up with something that works better for you. Point is, do it daily.

How to Implement Daily Changes

This method is fairly simple, and if you really implement it, nearly foolproof:

One Change at a Time. You can break this rule, but don’t be surprised if you fail. Do one change for a month before considering a second. Only add another change if you were successful at the first.

Start Small. OK, I’ve said this two bajillion times. No one ever does it, though. Start with 10 minutes or less. Five minutes is better if it’s a hard change. If you fail at that, drop it to 2 minutes.

Do it at the same time each day. OK, not literally at the same minute, 

Friday, June 3, 2022

Taken from Fakir

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Give us strength, wisdom, love and compassion to go through life and its experiences with grace, humor and positive surrender. 

Prayer For the sick, and also strength of emotion and finance to all those who are directly or indirectly going to be affected by the ailment or accident.. 

Fakir - my thoughts have gone to the starving and a prayer goes out into the universe for all those hungry or dying of hunger or give them strength to accept his or her lot with grace and positive surrender, with the belief that the energy and conviction of my prayers will make a positive difference to their lives.

The most effective prayer is to ask God and master to endow you with the strength and wisdom, love and compassion, to go through life and its experiences with grace, humor, and positive surrender.. 

Prayer for the ailing in ambulance passing - send a prayer for whosoever in ambulance and god give strength of emotion and finance to all those directly or indirectly going to be affected by the ailment or accident.. 

Request the fire that you have just lit, to dispel darkness from your life and from the lives of your loved ones. To spread the light of God in your lives and fill it with the warmth of Gods breath.

Pray to the incense stick that the fragrance is filled with the breath of God and wherever it goes or touches, that being too is touched by God and blessed with a life that is full of the fragrance and sweetness of God. Pray that it cleans all that is impure in the air, in the surroundings and mainly within all those who inhale the fragrance. 

Fire meditation - in a slightly dark room like a cave, shut fan and room for steady strong flame. Just look into the flame for some time. Its colors. Shape. Imagine yourself in the flame. Imagine you are secure in womb of mother goddess. Pray to her to cleanse your body mind and soul. Aura vibrations and channels. Every drop of blood, DNA and cell, from all negativity ill health and darkness. To remove all darkness from your life.. in your life.. and around your life. Pray to Her to fill you with her warmth, her radiance, her glow, her presence and her protection. To lighten your path with her glow and fill you up with positive energy and well-being and strength. Whatever ails you pray to Fire to burn it away and brighten your life with what you lack or need most. When it is time to come out, return to your body. Do a namaste, and thank her for allowing you to connect with her and for blessing you with her energy and protection.

You can do this for your loved one by imagining them there with you. First pray for yourself then for the other.

You can also do this meditation with rising sun, imagining yourself in it.. looking into it. 

Only a fool thinks he is ever alone. God and your guides, your spirit guides are always around you. They try and communicate and make their presence felt. Guiding you to move upwards spiritually and enhance your karma. Always offer everything you eat and drink to them and invite them to share it with you..

Never give anybody the power to hurt you or affect your peace of mind.

Nature and providence only see intention and effort.

Whenever a child calls out to me with love, real love, i am there. If they need me forever then they need to love me that way. Be in the moment so that the soul can bathe in those memories.

The stream of life flows through us all.. We need to connect with it and enter.. It sometimes gets lost in thoughts confusion day to day life.. Those who find it are refreshed and strengthened by it at all times.. One needs to slow down.. Hear the flow within and merge with it.. Go inwards  

If i am eating food, i enjoy the whole process of eating. I also invite God to share the meal and the experience and virtually with every morsel , i thank him for the food. Through the process, my thoughts also have gone to those who are starving and automatically a short prayer goes out into the universe for all those hungry; with the belief that the energy and conviction with which i have prayed for them will make a positive difference to their lives or at least to a few lives. the prayer will create an energy that will influence a few people to share their food with the poor. or give some poor person strength to go through the difficult period of hunger. 

A candle or an oil lamp should be burnt at least twice a day. When i light a lamp or candle you automatically sanctify the place. The important thing to do is light a diya with prayers on your lips and in your heart. Request the fire that you have just lit, to dispel darkness from your life and from the lives of your loved ones. Request the fire to spread the light of God in your lives and fill it with the warmth of God's breath. 

You can do the same thing while lighting an incense stick. Pray that the fragrance from the incense stick is filled with the breath of God and wherever the fragrance goes and whosoever it caresses that being too is touched by God and is blessed with a life that is full of the fragrance and the smoke from the incense stick cleans all that which is negative and impure; in the air, in the surroundings and mainly, within all those who inhale the fragrance. 

silence has its own way of clearing its path. never ever resort to back biting, character assassination, mud slinging, fabrication, never. whether right or wrong never resort to abusing somebody. what is yours nobody can take away from you. what is not you can bend heaven and hell, you will never retain it for long. when you are accusing abusing and fabricating you are doing it against HIM , your very own and your very own self. silence not only in words but in thoughts is also very important. it means tranquility, verbally and from within. 

the less of you means the more of the master within you.

every morning nature responds humbly joyfully and gratefully to the gifts that god bestows on it. but how indifferent most of us are to the bounties of god and nature. when was the last time you thanked god for a beautiful sunrise or rejoiced with nature over the break of dawn. for giving you the opportunity to live another day and thank the sun for giving you its light and warmth. for allowing you to drink the cool thirst quenching liquid, which though it has no taste and no color still has a quality that nothing else has, the ability of quenching your thirst. do you thank god when you drink water. birds and animals drink water with gratitude to nature and god because they are not certain when next will they be able to acquire the nectar of life. 

god never moves away but the individual does and shows his or her back to god and when you show your back to god then darkness engulfs you. that is what the good lord is trying to show us all through the sun and the earth and the moon and all of nature. when the earth shows its back to the sun the night then falls. 

either be in a moment or chant a prayer. 

Prayer - the most effective prayer is to ask god and master to endow you with the strength and wisdom love and compassion to go through life and its experiences with grace, humor and positive surrender. 

an ambulance passed me and a prayer left my soul for whomsoever the ambulance was meant for. not only for the person who was sick but a prayer passed my lips that god give strength of emotion and finance, to all those who are directly or indirectly going to be affected by the ailment or accident. that is why it is so important to be in the moment. if you hadn't been in the moment the ambulance would have passed by without your prayer and vibrations. whatever you think and wish for, is heard and felt and accepted by nature and nature does turn it into energy. it can be good energy or negative. it all depends on each individual. imagine millions of people wishing good and sending positive vibrations. these vibrations spread through the universe influencing all of creation.  

when you can't be in a moment you chant the name of god and masters. whosoever fills you up at that moment, fill your soul with that name. chanting prayers and mantras is like putting fuel to a spiritual fire. initially it is just a small flame but as you keep repeating the sacred words or name, then slowly the spark becomes a tiny fire, then raging fire. this fire that burns within your soul dispels darkness and negativity. it destroys and burns away all your past karma. it shows you the way. it keeps all darkness away from you. it enlightens you with knowledge that you never thought existed. as you keep chanting all the secrets of the universe unfold and stand before you as nothing can be hidden from the light. you become part of the fire and then you become the fire itself, you the divine light merge with the eternal fire and light. 

sometimes the soul who loves you the most might willingly take birth as an enemy or a tormenter in a lifetime, just to help you work out your karma. so a person who you think hates you or wats to finish you off and in return you hate, might be your greatest well wisher spiritually. sometimes a soul is reborn just to comfort you and be there like a rock of strength to you. so who is your friend and who enemy. maybe they all are your soul family wanting to help you and you helping them in return. 

whatever you wish for fervently is always granted. whether in this or another lifetime.

right and wrong is a state of mind. the intention of the soul is more important than all the earthly laws put together. so intentions and efforts should be noble. never ever judge anybody, don't indulge in slander, don't criticize, don't get into verbal arguments, don't condescend, just walk the path, quietly humbly and in total positive surrender.

it is a sad house that doesn't have a flame burning. if not for 24hrs a candle or and oil lamp should be burnt at least twice a day. once in the morning and once a sunset or at night. that is the least one can do for ones family and ones soul. fire is creation. light a candle or a diya and keep it in your sight and trust me you will never feel alone. 

fire meditation - light a candle or a diya. preferably where you do your prayers at home. light your flame and sit in front of it. preferably when alone and specially when it is slightly dark as then the intensity of the flame is far more. also make certain the flame is not flickering or dancing too much. a steady flame. thus you sit in partial darkness and that becomes your cave and you stare at the flame, which is your fire. so you sit in front of the flame and for a while just look at it. just see it. observe its colors. observe its shape. let the flame be nice and strong. not just some small dot of light coming out of the wick. it should be burning bright. after a minute or so, imagine you are in the flame. fire is virtually creation and thus fire is the form of the creator. imagine you are in the womb of the universal mother. for a while just be in her womb. think you safe and sound and protected in the womb of devi, the universal mother, the life force of all creation. then pray to devi  or the universal mother or the life force of all creation to cleanse your body, mind and soul. aura, vibrations and channels. every drop of blood DNA and cell from all negativity, ill health and darkness. tell her to remove all darkness from your life, in your life and around you life. pray to Her to fill you up with her warmth, her radiance, her glow, her presence, and her protection. tell her to lighten up your path with her glow so that you never go astray into darkness. if you are feeling depressed, then pray to her to burn away all the gloom and depression and  sadness and fill you up with positive energy and wellbeing. if you are feeling weak, ask her to fill you up with strength . whatever ails you, pray to fire to burn it away and brighten your life with what you feel you lack and need the most. continue to dwell into the light. continue to bathe in its pure glory. see her protective energy around you and your aura. her protection and energy will surround you and your aura and thus protect you from vibrations and negative   energy that dwells around you, within you and is projected towards you. being in the womb of light is a beautiful serene and rejuvenating experience. there will be times you will not want to come out of her protective embrace. when you feel it is time to come out of her luminous sanctuary, then imagine yourself returning to your body. bow to the flame. do a namaste with folded hands and thank her for allowing you to connect with her and for blessing you with her energy and protection. you can do this meditation for your loved ones too. imagine your loved ones along with you in the flame too. and continue with the prayer..

or look into the morning sun. that is the best way of doing flame meditation. there is nothing better than meditating on the rising sun. it is the source of all physical light and fire and thus the closest physical manifestation of the divine spark and flame. put yourself in the sun and follow the same prayer and routine. the rising sun has great healing properties. merging with the sun does wonders for the body mind aura. it also balances your elements in your body and strengthens your magnetic field force. you aura gets nourished and this way you get balances and protected. if one does the meditation and prayer and merges with the morning sun the results are going to be more lasting. 

another interesting thing about fire meditation is that the moment you begin chanting prayer, you begin to bestow the sun and the flame with further energy. thus every time you pray to the sun or the fire, you actually through your prayers are bestowing energy to them. in return, the disciple is not only blessed with physical and material benefits but the divine spark that glows in all beings is strengthened and this in turn make the connection between the individual divine spark and cosmic eternal flame stronger. thus, when you pray to the sun or the flame, ther is a bonding . not only does the disciple receive, the disciple through prayer adds positive fuel and energy to the sun and the flame. the disciple is blessed for doing tis and the  most beneficial blessing is bestowed - strengthening the bond between the individuals divine spark with the cosmic eternal flame. thus rewards are so great that we believe fire meditation and prayers are mandatory for spiritual, physical, emotional auric material and mental benefits. 

share everything with your master.. meals.. sunrises sunsets.. everything.. 

you cannot obliterate somebody else's karma, but only transfer it. 

prayer for somebody ill - fill my body mind and soul; auras, vibration and channels; every drop of blood, DNA and cell; my entire being, with your protection, love, guidance, strength, healing energies, spiritual energies and grace; forgive me, lead me, guide  me, guard me and have mercy on me. please use me as a medium to heal this child of yours. let only your energy and grace flow through me to heal this child of yours. please heal this child's body mind and soul.......... and cell (as above) but if for whatever reason the ch ild has to go through the illness and the experience of the illness, please give the child, wisdom strength, love and compassion to go through the illness and experience with grace, positive surrender and even happiness.

As understood by Bks

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Relationships-parent and child

Whatever thoughts we create affect the child in the womb

Born emotionally weak could be because mom was emotionally weak.. 

We cant think negative towards the child but every single thought created is energy and that energy affects it

Create a positive Environment in the house with the right energy by right thoughts

Every thought created reaches the person it is created towards.. 

Welcome the new soul.. not reject it because of any reason.. even at thought level

Soul is mature.. body might be tiny.. brain not yet developed.. but the soul can catch our thoughts and behaviour..

A child is an individual.. a pure soul.. physical.. intellectual and social development we give.. but spiritual gets neglected.. 

Treat the child as a pure soul.. 

Child believes performance and achievements get appreciation.. not qualities and values..

My baby is an individual soul.. 

Attachment and love are different

Is it beneficial for mother to be in equal pain as the child.. then how will she have the clarity to know what to do.. how will she emanate positive energy.. love and compassion

Ask yourself do you want to give pain or support.. 

Detachment does not decrease love it reduces pain

Detachment means soul consciousness

It increases efficiency

everyday remind yourself you are a pure soul playing different roles.. in thought mind and action

Information -thots -destiny 

Be careful to teach positive thinking.. by your own example.. right information .. right thots.. no tv while eating.. right food.. 

Stop teaching when the child falls to hit the object

We teach when in pain its always someone elses responsibility

Teach it to take responsibility positively

Stop instilling fear in a child to get him to do things.. 

Explain things instead of refusing them.. to build trust in your word.. 

We do not have to mould a child.. we need to mould ourselves..

Parent is the role model.. whatever we do becomes right and the norm for them.. 

We are creating his belief system

Mistake results in scolding.. blame culture-it is never my fault.. all belief systems set from birth.. 

The soul understands.. 

All our thoughts transmit to the child.. more than our words.. disharmony between our thought word and action reaches the child

We need to prepare ourselves for positive situations.. and strengthen our child accordingly.. 

It is less about me with you.. it is more about me with myself..

Happiness is within.. teach your child that.. 

Have harmony within

Comparison is a huge blockage in personality development 

Every soul is unique

Motivate as per individual capacity

You can be happy being who you are.. not being who others want you to be

We think child is in our control.. but the child is only listening to a parent as the most influential person in their life

For 2 people to have a dialogue there should be mutual respect.. that you are perfect just the way you are

No one is ever wrong.. from their perspective its right thats why we do things.. there is always a reason for it

Understand the others perspective and empathise first..

Create this thought with conscious attention that what the other person is saying is right.. and then listen to what they are saying

There is no winning or losing only bringing out the right solution

Give them the opportunity to share.. sit in their position and understand

Involve the child in family decisions.. give them responsibility.. 

Don’t try to change the child.. accept him as he is

Keep attention with acceptance.. 

Correct the child with positive energy not shouting 

Give unconditional love for the way they are

Trust in your thoughts not just words.. don’t let doubt creep in.. have faith.. and transmit that.. 

Accept first that the child is also right.. 

We always want to influence other people .. 

We need our importance

Attachment will always create pain.. resulting in expectation.. 


When we are filled and confident we cannot be insecure

We first evaluate then trust.. we should first trust then evaluate

If we genuinely trust someone there are extremely rare chances of betrayal.. and more of mutual trust..

Whatever we think emanates as energy around us and affects people accordingly..

Trusting is our decision then why feel hurt on betrayal..

We need to recognize the goodness in others

I have a choice to decide if you are good or bad.. and in all these choices we build or break relationships

We give trust like a favor.. 

Can we trust ourselves.. we break our own trust every moment.. with every resolve that we break.. and we get hurt when others break our trust

What we do the benefit remains with us.. but we want outside commendation and praise and recognition.. which if missing dismisses our own benefit into a feeling of total loss.. 

Satsfaction should be in our work done not the outside results of the work done

If you are wearing diamonds and people call it stone, will you throw it away..

Recognize your own value and save yourself from unnecessary disillusionment

Does doubt make you happy or faith and trust

We burden ourselves constantly with negative emotions feeling so heavy all the time

People hurting us have nothing to do with us and everything to do with their nature.. and our comprehension and perception of the situation

Miracles happen because we can make them do so

Happiness is a journey not the destination

Trust is a source of comfort and happiness

What we think about another person becomes our belief even though it might be totally removed from reality

Self created assumptions can only be cleared by ourselves

Intention is very important towards resolving any issue.. 


I am a peaceful loving soul

Even if you get angry, sit back and evaluate the scene as an observer right then.. understand how you feel.. accept that the other person is right from their viewpoint.. 

The beauty of the world is that we are all unique.. then why we want everyone to be the same.. 

Unconditional love is between god and us.. mother and child.. and we need to find that with every person we meet.. who you are.. how you are is perfect.. 

Accept people the way they are.. find the strength or unique qualities in every person and watch the transformation

Let go of people and situations in the past and stop draining your energy..

Give clear instructions to your mind..

I is the energy that is running this body.. who am i.. 

Brain is the control box or cpu of the body.. the one who operates is the soul.. the programmer.. the I.. 

Sanskar means nature.. comes with past life.. heredity.. environment.. and will power.. fifth is our original qualities.. which is same in everyone.. 

Everyone is a pure beautiful being including ourselves

Spirituality is for practical life

Soul consciousness is first stage of meditation.. who am i..

We are seeking our original qualities outside..


Happiness is internal, eternal and not conditional..

Happiness is natural 

Thought creates feeling.. feeling creates attitude.. attitude creates words or action(behaviour).. words or action create habit.. habit creates personality.. personality creates destiny..

The quality of thoughts depends on past experiences, information and belief system..

First thing in the morning the base in the mind should be saturated with positivity..

Our thoughts create a vibration that flood the other person with that energy

All the power and energy is within us.. not depending on others or outside.. 


Be aware of your thought-process.. and all the raw material(information) entering your mind.. 

Avoid toxic conversationalists

Evaluate your belief-system from time to time

Tension is not natural.. stop accepting it as normal and we need to find a cure for it

Anxiety and tension does not improve performance.. reduces concentration.. creates health problems

Exams, targets and deadlines leave us a choice to be relaxed or tense.. 

Escapism is the result of believing that others or situations are responsible for our problems

Its not what you say to me.. it is what i do with what you say to me that is responsible for the way i feel

Response is not created by the stimulus.. it is created by the person responding to the stimulus


There is nothing like right and wrong.. for what is right for one can be wrong for another..

False belief that anger only gets work done 

Anger cannot be an incentive for work.. only gives negative energy.. taking away from peak performance

Put yourself in the place of another.. do you work better with anger or love.. and behave accordingly

If work cannot be done with love, it can never be done with anger

Your target should be building relationship not short-term goal

Leader always needs to remain stable

Priority should be people not targets.. 

We do not need Anger to be authoritative

If the aim of your life is to attain happiness then choose the correct direction.. work towards it not rushing towards targets

We transmit energy.. negative or positive

Respond to anger reaction is only a mirror of the other person

No one can make you angry, only you can do so

Our positivity leaves its mark on the other person.. 

We are so full of ourselves that even when we do good it is with the consciousness of doing it setting ourselves apart and above others.. 

Our words and actions impact others.. but what we think imacts us affecting our relationships

Think and understand to respond

Reject anger with complete conviction for it to go.. 

We cannot change other people only ourselves

Self counseling is the first step towards meditation

Counsel yourself without judgment with compassion

Every morning take an oath of not getting angry.. then try to follow it

It does not matter what others think.. it matters what we believe

3 attentions.. dont raise your hand.. dont abuse.. dont think wrong

Anger leaves us feeling heavy not light

Anger is reaction and Discipline is response

When making a mistake one is already in pain and fear.. and we beat that person down even more instead of accepting or healing that pain first.. and then explaining..

Negative input does not get positive output

Change is our biggest root fear in all our stress.. (Coming out of our comfort zone..)

Most change is out of our control.. Death financial crisis etc.. We only focus on the problem.. Creating depression more stress multiplying problems including health relationships etc., how can others understand when we cant understand ourselves.. Money gone but relationships, health mental status is fine.. But we entangle all four.. By focusing on the problem so much.. The problem becomes bigger than us.. When we are bigger.. How do we overcome it.. But its change and we need to take it as a challenge.. The only constant is change.. (Be ready for it.. ) why struggle against worry or fight.. Check Response reaction.. Krishna said everything happening is for the good.. Jo hua woh bhi achha.. Jo ho raha hai woh bahut achha.. Jo honay wala woh bahut bahut achha.. Believe trust accept and make the right choice.. 

Resultant Fear struggle energy-loss protest.. I cannot change the situation but other side of the table is me.. So situation i cant change my response i can.. Thought i create.. Feelings.. Action.. Pain.. Pain hits us that means pain is coming from outside.. Accept situation.. Response is natural.. We create response.. We create thought.. We only focus on situation.. Not on ourselves and so our response is automated.. Not thought out.. Pre-Programmed automated response.. Did not look internally to think of my response.. We only React.. Conditioned over the years.. Wherever attention goes, energy flows.. Our focus is on situation.. We think we can control situation and anger stress etc are out of our control.. You cant stop a virus.. You find measures to protect yourself from the virus.. Virus here is situation.. Tension and stress have become natural emotions even in children reaching depression.. Situation - response.. We have to understand its out of our control.. Instead of feeling powerless.. Weak.. because we cant do anything we start looking around to blame.. Our first thought in everything has become negative.. Difficult ..impossible ..i cant do it.. No one likes me.. No one understands.. No one supports.. Becoming a Vicious cycle of negativity.. We have to sit down and consciously change our thought process.. Break the conditioning.. Say i dont like my boss cant stand him.. Anger hatred resentment.. Resulting in non cooperation.. Impacting your career.. If my situation demands look at choices.. Boss cant change.. Work cant change.. Me i can change.. Change your thinking.. Start seeing the other side of the person.. Cause is me.. Pain i am creating.. Suffocation i am creating.. The boss can only hurt you physically.. Everything i am feeling i am creating myself.. Within me.. Situation and feeling are separate.. (We are constant, situations change, but instead of dealing with the situation we change as per situation.. Letting it rule us.. )


👂Meditation means to heal.. 

👂We are possessive about the tv remote but give the remote of our life to the rest of the world 

👂Yoga means connection.. us with god.. us with ourself

👂Meditate to experience an ideal Lifestyle

👂Spirituality and meditation are ways to bring out our own strengths

👂Intuition and creativity emerge as the mind becomes silent with meditation 

👂Experience the answer to who am i

👂Experience is our only truth

👂Negativity is not a part of life it is a signal that you need to awaken from ignorance

👂Attachment to a wrong image of myself is ego.. could be to an idea.. person.. object.. whatever the created image goes through.. we go through the same

👂Clinging to things uses our entire energy in fear of losing it.. when we are supposed to naturally enjoy the things when they are there with us.. for impermanence is inevitable.. 

👂We worry about the health and well-being of our physical self which is temporary.. not the eternal soul

👂i am not the body.. the body is mine

👂I am the energy running my body.. 

👂Computer is the brain.. operator or programmer is me.. body is the machine running by my instruction.. my body gets hurt not me.. 

👂The ego has become a representation of everything physical

👂I am a soul.. energy.. power.. consciousness.. 

👂I am the energy and body the instrument.. nothing happens without my instruction

👂I am not ill or old or ugly.. my body becomes old or ill or ugly

👂I am not this name or this body or profession

👂I am the power that chooses what to do

👂Mind is mann is energy

Brain is computer

👂Thoughts means sankalp

👂Soul plays 3 roles.. thinking as mind or mann.. intellect or buddhi evaluates and takes decision.. brain processes.. and brings into action forming impressions and habits

👂Impression is sanskar or habit

👂Physical sense organs 5 and 3 subtle sense organs as above

👂Thought-decision-habit-changed thought-etc

👂Thought energy affects the pituitary gland in the center of the forehead.. which affects our health

👂I am the master and i have a choice of my life

👂The connection of the body to the soul is through the thoughts

👂Through the body to environment back to soul

👂Intellect(wisdom) and intelligence is different

👂If the mind is strong the outside does not overpower

👂Sum total of impressions determines my nature

👂When we form new impressions old ones get deleted

👂5 sanskars or impressions.. genetic( get from parents).. past birth.. environment.. will power(change with will).. original ( got from god) .. 

👂Dominant impression creates thoughts

👂7 original impressions.. peace.. happiness.. love.. will power.. knowledge.. purity.. bliss.. 

👂Om shanti means i am a peaceful soul

👂Mind creates positive thoughts through meditation.. increases will power.. makes intellect strong.. emerges our original impressions

👂Mind understands.. intellect visualizes.. i experience

👂The seat of the soul is in the center of the forehead

👂When we see in the mirror we see our physical presence.. whatever we see in the world is not necessarily the whole truth.. 

👂In life most problems are because we have forgotten our original  nature.. 

👂I am a peaceful soul..

I am a loveful soul..

I am a blissful soul..