Saturday, June 18, 2022

Devdutt Pattanaik on Gita

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👂You may value me for what i have and what i do.. but i am not what i have or what i do.. if you love me focus on who i am.. my hungers and my fears.. and my potential to focus on who you are 

👂Humans are helpless before the force of nature, karma determines the circumstances of our life and guna determines the personality of people around us.. we can at best understand these but we cannot control them.. attempts at control only create dreadful consequences that haunt over generations and lifetimes

👂Seek HIM not HIS

👂Every moment is a fruit of the past and seed of the future

👂I do not bind myself to the fruit of my action, my actions do not entrap me 

👂If you control your mind it is your friend.. if your mind controls you it is your enemy( taken frm gita)

👂Action focussed on intent is better than action focussed on outcome (gita)

👂To discover the God within, we have to go beyond our slice of reality and appreciate the hungers and fears of those around us 

👂Va-nara, Nara, Nara-yana represent three aspects of existence: animal, human and divine. 

👂There are three gunas known as triguna.. tamas, rajas and sattva.. tamas tends towards inertia so dominates the elements.. rajas tends towards activity so dominates the animals and sattva tends towards balance so dominates in humans.. but they are all found interchangeably in humans as from sattva comes knowledge from rajas desire from tamas ignorance.. affecting rebirth according to the dominating emotion at time of death.. 

👂Three paths to establish relationships.. 1.human conduct..2. human emotions and 3. human identity.. they are interdependent.. one cannot exist without the other.. without 1. karma yoga we have nothing to give or receive.. 2. Without bhakti yoga we are machines that feel nothing for each other.. 3.without gyan yoga we have no value purpose or meaning.. 

👂Can you and i participate in a relationship without seeking to control the behaviour of the other? 

👂We need to appreciate the reality of nature and potential of humanity, while enjoying the various flavours of existence

👂Outgrow desires hungers and fears of the self by gaining perspective on the desires hungers and fears of others 

👂Let each one of us be like an inverted banyan tree.. forever nourished by the sky.. and forever nourishing the earth 

👂Liberation essentially is letting go of our insecurities that disconnect us from others 

👂To let our potential be realized without deriving our identity from it, or without denying its existence, is the hallmark of wisdom.

👂To want nothing is as delusional as to want everything.. the wise want nothing but accept whatever comes their way, letting it pass when it is time to part ways 

👂The solution is not to fight harder, for that only leads to making things worse.. the solution is to stop fighting and have faith another force will intervene 

👂Rather than imagining violation, being heroic or acting like a martyr, vedic wisdom suggests that we recognize maya, moha and mada at work, stop struggling over imagined boundaries, and have faith that life is shaped by many other forces, not just the ones we have control over 

👂As long as we dont have faith, we carry the burden of solving all problems. We will be impatient and fight and cling. Wisdom is enjoying things that drift in and letting go of things that drift away, like watching the waves drift in and out of the beach.

👂There is no violation in nature. Only violence. Violation follows when we grant meaning to things and derive our identity from them. 

👂The veil of measurements and hierarchies delude all those who try to make sense of it (gita)

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