Today some relatives came home to see us. Feel sad seeing them like this, unhappy, angry, adrift. Every moment we are accruing so much pain for ourselves. Spinning, collecting, hoarding! Too possessive to let go, but blaming everyone for the burden we hold on to. We feel responsible for their behavior personally, and that becomes an albatross around our necks. If a spouse misbehaves, it becomes a stigma, our hell, when each is responsible for their beliefs and behavior. But we all hold up our yardstick of correctness and create great trauma if it is not met by any family member. Instead of following it ourselves, giving the other a chance to follow by example, or their own logic and beliefs. But we will suffer and create huge ripples of blame and shattering, where love and acceptance and empathy could help build and heal. I dont know how we are conditioned into sheep behaviour and expect lions instead. Our beauty is in the differences between us, and we need to polish and brighten our own light, not break tiny bulbs of self worth in others, to make them match ours. 'I understand', is a huge mantra, really heartening, because mostly we need to be heard and accepted. Our minds are strong and intelligent enough to find the right path as per our readiness, and need for guides. Even God lets us learn from our own mistakes many lifetimes over, waiting patiently, and full of love in every moment of need.
Thank you 3️⃣4️⃣
😘1️⃣Thank you so much darling for an awesome recommendation.. for knowing
i would like it because it was all you said.. thought-provoking to me,
cute, i...
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