Saturday, November 20, 2010


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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

fluid rendezvous

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even though we say we can't find the place where thoughts are fluid.. our words can flow in synchronicity.. like light notes strummed softly.. giving the feel of the music to come.. a rendezvous with the heart.. where you can feel the 'touch' of your thoughts as real.. as alive.. as special.. shorn of all the pointers to your self.. except this.. a recognition at once starved and fulfilling.. as the inane melts away.. and you can feel your smile..

Let me hear your soul
Whisper through your words
Streaming in waves of thoughts
Even you cannot perceive....

Friday, July 9, 2010


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why are we cursing Destiny, or blaming Divinity for all our mishaps.. there does seem to be a 'time-keeper' charting each and every thought, word and action.. and with our minds able to detail incidents from myriad past lives under hypnosis.. maybe that makes us an essential iota, like a drop in the ocean, of a single Divine entity.. does that leave us pointing a finger at none other than ourselves.. are we determining our own life before Birth.. and does that leave us with a singular choice to follow our heart, that silently recognizes that path.. or a contrary bullheaded struggle, desperately rowing against the tide.. all it takes is a single 'shift' in pscyche.. for our world to shift and change..

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

the easy way out

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A man found a cocoon of an emperor moth. He took it home so that he could watch the moth come out of the cocoon. On that day a small opening appeared, he sat and watched the moth for several hours as the moth struggled to force the body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther. It just seemed to be stuck. Then the man, in his kindness, decided to help the moth, so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The moth then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the moth because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time. Neither happened! In fact, the little moth spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and small shriveled wings. It never was able to fly. What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the moth to get through the tiny opening was the way of forcing fluid from the body of the moth into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon. Freedom and flight would only come after the struggle. every life-lesson is unique to every soul.. so easy to 'cripple' with helpful norms


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Once, a man pulled up into a gas station in the country, and asked the gas station attendant, "What are the people like in the next town up ahead?" The attendant said, "What were the people like in the town you just came from?" "Awful people," the man responded. "Rude, cold, hostile, abrupt, unfriendly. They wouldn't give me the time of day." "Well," said the attendant, "I'm sorry to say it, but you're going to find exactly the same sort of people in the next town up ahead."

A bit later, another driver pulled in, heading in the same direction as the first. "What are the people like in the next town up ahead?" the second man asked. The attendant said, "What were the people like in the town you just came from?" "Wonderful people," the second man responded. "Friendly, warm, helpful, patient, kind. They went out of their way to help a stranger." "Well," said the attendant, "I'm happy to tell you that you're going to find exactly the same kind of people in the next town up ahead."

A man who lost his axe suspected his neighbour's son of stealing it. To him, as he observed the boy, the way the lad walked, the expression on his face, the manner of his speech - in fact everything about his appearance and behaviour betrayed that he had stolen the axe. Not long afterwards the man found his axe while digging in his cellar. When he saw his neighbour's son again, nothing about the boy's behaviour nor appearance seemed to suggest that he had stolen the axe.

we only react to what 'we' see..

Thursday, June 17, 2010

blink of an eye

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why do we continue to shun.. rue.. the darkness.. the negatives.. the losses.. in life.. if we could only accept them as a real part of life.. as real and true as the positives.. to let ourselves weep openly.. to empathize with another's loss without making it a spectacular catastrophe.. a topic of conversational gossip.. the struggle to 'look good' would lessen.. lightening our societal burdens tremendously.. if we are all one.. part of the same divine light.. who are we looking down on.. who are we looking up to.. where do we truly stand..

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


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even though it might be 'pandora's box' it IS a fact that we cannot deny.. Truth is experiential not a Belief System.. in this world where everything is prone to change.. including our 'selves'.. how can our 'truth' be the same.. something that takes us on paths untraversed.. compelling.. like a maze that feels fresh and new at every turn.. and we try to 'walk' our way through an 'answer' that we ourselves seek.. yes, everything in the PHYSICAL world is prone to change.. and yet in the SPIRITUAL most 'truths' should remain constant.. but if 'truth' is 'personal' and each one of us belongs to the physical plane.. then does that make the spiritual truths 'experiential' too.. if there had to be a constant, then I wonder sometimes.. why any Saint could not leave a specific 'answer' for the masses.. only pointers and directions.. and myriad paths..

maybe true Saints are unable to express the 'essence' of their Enlightenment.. or 'Truth' behind the mysteries of the Universe.. because it is inexpressible.. can only be experienced by each soul as and when he or she is ready for it.. but it remains a 'hidden' wisdom.. enabling singular power and authority into few hands.. delineating 'truths' as personal decrees.. translating simplicity into a gamut of customs and rituals weighed on the scales of damnation and redemption.. I'm going off at tangents here.. but don't you find it ironical.. that we 'defined' the rules only to have rules 'defining' us..

to get back at truth being experiential and not a belief system.. maybe this chariness of the masses against the 'beliefs' enforced by a handful of religious despots has metamorphosed into the 'new age' thinking of today.. where each tries to find their own truth.. in their own way.. spiritually cautious.. scared.. wary.. defiant.. yet desperately eroding the 'belief system' even for a fleeting glimpse of some truth hidden there..

Monday, June 14, 2010

true definition

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spoken words strum on thought vibrations, throb in our pores accordingly.. forming ripples and whirlpools.. forming bands of mindsets.. fads.. norms.. groupies.. frenzies.. even natural disasters..

the word 'truth' matters so much to each one of us.. but how do we define it.. for though truths might differ from culture to culture.. person to person.. don't they change within our comprehensions too.. as per our changing circumstances.. so what does truth really mean.. and why are we fighting about so many 'truths' all the time.. all over the world..

strangely some things are followed blindly as the norm.. like blowing off candles on b'days and lighting them at funerals.. and none wonders why.. and we shed blood in the name of religion.. caste.. status.. possessions.. every possible mundane issue that crosses our path.. none able to perceive the yawning 'emptiness' within it's folds.. sucking us into a dark oblivion.. we shun light.. we shun life.. we make our own choice..

memory banks

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our minds rule over lifetimes.. keeping our maths and accounts in order.. but it is our hearts that fill life with tiny joyflowers.. a familiar melody.. a fragrance.. a heartbeat.. a smile.. compelling.. strengthening.. fleeting.. permeating.. with shifting hues of us..

yes, there is so much joy around.. yes, there is so much grief too.. and we curse and rue, sometimes ourselves.. sometimes fate.. strangers.. people in our lives.. everything and everyone around.. but isn't it our own minds.. those tiny memory banks.. that hold every tear.. every smile.. every judgement.. every guilt.. every emotion possible.. setting our own 'fate' between lifetimes.. hoping our hearts could and would find the right path.. in the myriad choices left to take.. with none to blame.. for the people affecting our lives.. are the ones we chose.. for some lesson.. some path.. some strength..

Friday, May 28, 2010

US - nature and nurture

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US has its pulse on a stabilized,balanced and wholesome future with its venture to have preschools in the forest.. humanity today is starved of it's roots.. each stressed, unable to cope.. and our education system only enhances that stress from a very small age.. if children connect with 'nature'.. they would be better equipped to cope with life itself.. we stuff them with 'subjects' pushing them into a rat race where relaxation means 'unaffordable' holidays, both materially and timewise.. and we scream our head off about global warming.. when all we need to change is a lifestyle and a mindset at the roots.. nurturing respect and love for the gift of nature.. schools should necessarily have basic training where each learns how to work with their hands.. ready to cope with any situation practically.. not just in theory.. we all need a better world.. and it has always been as simple as a 'shift' in our education system, one that surpasses present day conditioning, for we all feel choked already.. and it's time to let our kids breathe..

Saturday, January 23, 2010

'Nuclear' War!!

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The world is contracting into smaller and smaller units.. The Universe.. The Earth.. The Continents.. The Countries.. The Cities.. The Towns.. The Villages.. Religions.. Castes.. Tribes.. Joint Families.. Nuclear Family.. Single Person.. and if each is all about that ONE single person.. then why do we need the rest..

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hopes and Wishes

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The Present can rectify the Past and redeem the Future.. hope all of us savor many such 'gifts' every moment of 2010.. Happy New Year!

The white Globe in 'Paa' - such a simple rendition of fading boundaries
and symbolic oneness.. 3 Idiots showing our minds hold the key to 'All
is well'.. 'educating' a child not children.. these visions of a
'smiling' year.. what an ingenuous leap into 2010..

This festive season don't forget to ignite the wick.. in your own heart.. protect it.. pamper it.. cherish it.. and basking in that fresh radiant sanctity.. feel the glow in everything you touch..

let us decorate the trees of our loved ones lives.. with hues of colorful memories holding sparkling smiles.. leaping into hearts with a sackful of warmth.. let's celebrate christmas giving Santa a five..:) Merry Xmas to one and all!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


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every experience is unique to that moment.. determining the next step of our life.. though the way might be the same.. our perceptions define the range we see..

This is an excerpt on 'forgiveness', from a book called 'Disappearance of the Universe' based on 'A Course in Miracles'.. "The guilt I thought was in you isn't in you; it's really in me, because there's really only one of us, and you are just a figure I made up for my dream. I can forgive myself by forgiving you, and only by forgiving you, because you're symbolic of what's in my unconscious mind. If you're guilty then I'm guilty, but if you're innocent then I'm innocent'..

dealing with pain and remorse is never easy nor is there any singular antidote that helps.. our minds torment us in unique and personal ways that none can comprehend.. regret and remorse can leave twp paths in front of us.. one in which we hold on to them weighing us heavily down.. burning our very soul for lifetimes.. but neither helping us nor the incident that caused them.. till we learn to 'let go'.. and the second path realizes the impossibility of going back in time to undo all that's already happened.. understanding the necessary 'lesson' needed to be learnt.. as the only good that can result from moments already past.. in that lesson is our forgiveness.. for every moment is meant to teach.. and only our 'vanity' thinks we are unique to our mistakes.. for everyone treads the same path..

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

rhythmic notes

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isn't life another form of addiction demanding a constant 'fix' .. out
of control.. with its heady and tormenting highs and lows..waiting for
us to find the reserves of strength held within.. equipped to deal with
the painful withdrawal symptoms..

how can we not rejoice.. how can we not be shamed.. with the seamless cohesion of a thought.. defying man's audacious boundaries..

life is like a flame.. fragile.. buffeted.. secure.. protected.. fleeting and capricious....

the beauty of internet.. God's solution to the rising population with karmic confluence.. each a perpetual student.. and master.. at the same time..

music is in the 'cosmos'.. and only a 'true sentient' raptures to it's divine rhythm.. in this miasma of words.. our thoughts string an untouched melody.. where letters fade into unrecognizable rhythmic patterns.. and the heart dawns to moving perceptions

isn't our interactive presence itself a miracle.. maybe for notes that none other can recognize..

Friday, October 23, 2009

Karmic wheel

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Myriad realities unsettling swim through our minds.. burdening our children with our legacy of vengeance.. molding their natures and thus lives as per our response to them.. love translating to the 'self' and thus leaving 'less' as a residual wake.. the import of 'I' in pre-written paths blinding enough to lose our sight, easily buffeted through winds of time.. a moment.. the present moment.. our only truth.. the truest choice we can make.. unburdenend by woes of the past and worries of the the future.. an exquisite freedom to live.. erasing all the 'meanings' we have put there ourselves.. for it is those meaning that move the karmic wheel of our lives..

Sunday, July 12, 2009

muse unchained

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yes, there are questions.. and each answer gives birth to another and yet another one.. how enriching this experience has been.. despite the ‘noise’.. but that is what we are trying to filter through.. without extreme noise how can there be a craving for silence..

recently heard of Vipassana
.. meaning insight or self-observation.. maybe we can call it another form of meditation.. under strict discipline.. where in the first experience invariably you want to run away.. as if you are losing your mind.. because of the ‘noise’ within.. and the silence without.. not supposed to say a word for days to anyone.. nor interact.. nor read or write.. just be with your thoughts and watch your breath.. following a strict routine under frugal conditions.. is it possible to fall through and beyond words.. we look for all our answers in these words.. only to see them fall away.. thoughts surging.. crumbling.. receding.. in waves.. as they come crashing down.. calming.. washing the shores with their drenching residue of ‘limitation’..

love this movie 'lost in translation'.. speaks so aptly of how sometimes people living together seem to speak different languages.. another void.. another search.. another need.. to be 'heard'.. 'felt' and 'seen'..

a unique comparison.. meditation.. with horse-riding.. pacing and tempo fluidly encompassing contrasting states of breathing and breathlessness.. euphoria surpassing different levels of ‘consciousness’.. thoughts giving way to feeling.. and the moment itself.. so so beautiful.. the eternal and ever-changing now being the still point between manic abandon and settled peace..

keep going off at tangents.. but.. this blog seems akin to 'meditation'.. and I'm trying.. it IS tough work.. and I'm really really working at it.. with these thoughts 'walking' me through all the mazes.. at once a guide.. and a friend.. adventurously game to explore all the venues..

Thursday, July 9, 2009


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Our actions uphold the 'natural' rhythm of life, for who knows what is 'natural' except that each feels at a given moment.. so intricately enmeshed in the 'changing' patterns of our Destiny..

Monday, June 15, 2009

What is this 'life' all about!!

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The Question is - What is this 'life' all about!!

SPIRITUAL ADVANCEMENT seems to be the truest answer holding the 'essence' of all forms of belief.

Then the Question arises - what are we doing in this rat race!!

maybe the truest answer here - SURVIVAL has surpassed somewhere into confused mayhem, losing it's boundaries, each caught up so desperately in it's clutches that none is able to stop.. and hearts charged with life.. are charged with gold and silver instead..

Who knows the 'boundaries' here.. of survival.. a better lifestyle.. a better education.. a better world.. a better 'human-being'??

Legacies - so many of them.. Customs followed blindly.. Birth.. Education.. Employment.. Marriage.. Children(Birth).. and so on.. a vicious whirlpool swallowing the very souls of each 'family' in this quest for...!!??!!

Were Marriages and having children meant to be a custom, or a promise between two people who could not spend their lives without each other.. and children an expression of that love..

a custom ending in myriad divorce courts.. or strangling souls of either spouse under the guise of adjustment.. or tiny hearts exposed to the 'viciousness' of relationships.. People are marrying because they have to.. burdened under the weight of added responsiblities of a family, whether they can afford to or not.. both emotionally and materially.. and you end up seeing cruelty in homes.. between spouses.. with children.. why would one marry if one cannot afford it.. and why would one have kids, when one cannot take care of them..

Education and Work too are followed with complete focused blindness.. impossible to differentiate what is more important here.. Education or our Child.. as for Work.. a man offered 90 crores for a deal, waited for it to reach 200 crores, but the market scenario changed.. and he was left with nothing.. what is the yardstick here..!! what would he have done with 90 crores, that he needed 200.. and still.. people dealing in these huge sums, which benefit none.. not even themselves.. because they are busy trying to 'take care' of it.. never dream of even taking out a little sum.. to help their own family or friends..

Are we destroying ourselves.. our families.. our world.. our planet.. or building.. nurturing.. protecting it..

Is it about Legacies then..!! To leave behind a name - in the myriad names left behind in myriad lifetimes..

Friday, February 13, 2009

Marriages and Parenthood

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Lately I heard this radio show on the right age for marriage.. and most answers stressed on 'Responsibility'.. yes, it is a huge responsibility.. one that the forthcoming generations thankfully realize.. 'marriage' and 'parenthood'.. the two 'necessities' of our Society.. invariably shut each individual into the 'coop'.. one impossible to break free from.. and I wonder at this 'path'.. and I wonder at all those 'enlightened' souls..

spouses crucifying their identities at the stake of marriage.. bitterly perceiving shadows of themselves.. or boorishly gloating at their larger selves..

siblings fighting for their stake on toys metamorphosed as adult rights..

parents and children suing each other for their aggrieved possessions..

When will we realize the 'import' of self.. before attaching people to each other.. every relationship holding shades of individual souls struggling to be seen by the one looking into the mirror..

Saturday, December 6, 2008


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relationships can only be with 'another'.. with survival as natural each finds their own 'niche'.. 'dependency' a mere point-of-view.. it's 'health' a fad of the current state of mind..

the 'present' is the only gift that sets us free.. to 'be'..

it is only when we detach the 'self' from the solution, we realize where the problem lies..