Monday, June 6, 2022


Digg this

you know something 
i found that touchstone 
and held on to it,  
it's not important 
whether it's precious, 
it's precious to me.. 

can one limit a feeling 
something that breathes in our hearts 
brims in our eyes 
forever on our lips 
this silent wish 
of quiet togethernesss.. 

it didn't feel at all good.. 
inspite of that deep regard she held for him.. 
getting up feeling sick with herself, 
as if insisting on something 
inspite of all those doors banging in her face.. 
moving on despite the hurt, 
feeling all along he must have his reasons.. would he stop to give her any answers.. 

never having shared herself.. 
a feeling of strength always 
which was stronger than anyone she knew.. 
with him.. he wouldn't have it any other way, except mutual and equal.. 
and yes he had it in him too, 
a unique strength.. 
She wished he’d honestly say
what is it that was bothering him, 
what is it he really wanted.. 
She really wished he would.. 
She apologized for being so abrupt..  
no excuse can make up 
for that kind of uncalled for rudeness.. 
it just wasn’t her.. 
i am really sorry.. she said
As silently she walked away.. 

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