that one calling with no place to reach.. that one wisp of heaven in a mortal sky.. that one practice with nothing to preach.. that one love will it pass you by? that one sliver of sunshine that one drop of rain that single pierce of pleasure that never ceases to pain.. is this the one we wonder is this the dream alive.. will we be torn asunder or suspended in between..
sitting here amidst these lights and the night sky flying free and high.. i think of you and your song.. as i smile knowing in my heart of the heights you're about to achieve..
all the visions i see realized.. nearing a zenith from where you alight for as the horizons widen and your heart takes flight you have to shed each burden weighing you down inside..
this is what i feel.. even if we never share these memories with another.. we cherish them always.... to ourselves.. for they hold us and the person we are now.. strengthening, settling our lives as only love can.. because this is true and real and nothing can take away these memories.. but they will help us face life with a smile for we know we can never be alone when life gives us precious moments we should embrace them openly instead of worrying over them for before you know they might be over too..
that wayward tear as you spoke of going away.. as true as the heart wishing you follow your dream..
silence trembling in heartbeats that breathe with hues of imagined specters thoughts balking at images..
trust slips away so easily and we hurt and burn in our own hell.. as if our heart would break and the person remains the same.. only we 'see' differently...
living by rules and regulations robotic emotions conditioned channelized into cylindrical paths.. we cage ourselves even as we fight for animal rights.. instincts long suppressed..
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