Monday, December 21, 2020

Adopting 'grand'ly

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Got up late as its a work day and slept at 3.30 last night just thinking.. the need to start meditation is getting stronger and stronger but have not been able to find something or someone that resonates enough to last more than a couple of days.. 

I feel every flat.. every house should have tulsi plants outside their windows to help fight pollution in some way.. and have a ready medicinal herb for day-to-day intake.. 

Also i feel every woman should take out time for herself in the morning and sit in her balcony or terrace.. make a vitaminD club maybe in highrises.. where all the ladies come to their terrace with their morning drinks and just soak in the sun.. whether chatting.. reading.. exercising.. chanting.. whatever suits them.. but this must become part of the morning routine.. terrace and not gardens and only women because they can come in their nightwear.. or any casual wear and let the sun touch their hands and legs.. 

The third thing that i feel is really necessary is adopt a grandparent or grandchild.. with single unit families it is very difficult to have the right guidance or the pure connection that only a grandparent can give.. so any two neighbors can connect and bond over this.. let their child feel the sense of security and acceptance and love that age group can give.. similarly old people get so lonely and if a child takes out time to be with them.. talk to them.. it would work wonders with their health.. their loneliness.. and feeling of being needed.. 

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