Monday, November 8, 2010


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do we want to make mistakes a burden of regrets or stepping stones to a qualified tread.. 

if learning something new brings the child in us alive, let us continue to refresh our souls.. 

every festival celebrates the sanctity within.. 

words help us meet and silence compels to stay.. 

'Social Network' - a driven resolution.. one who has no time for social niceties, gives the world the most amazingly Brobdingnagian social network.. really worth a watch.. 

imagine the heady touch of a single moment suffused in the 'present'.. 

The 'I' in us determines our world! 

any opinion remains just that.. as it is our own minds make it difficult to hear our heart above their constant din.. we can do without more noise.. 

we are like the sea.. holding depths untold.. reflecting hues unique to that person, moment or relationship.. 

whatever the provocation, pleasantness works.. in a natural requisite to 'look good' people invariably respond in kind.. 

if sound vibrations affect our Universe, then hope we find the right decibels of joy.. 

what makes us constantly criticize family and friends, when no one knows their nature better than us, and we are the ones keeping them in our lives.. 

life is held in it's moments, but with our minds cavorting in the past or future, it sometimes escapes unnoticed.. 

relish and embrace the diversity in your soul! any outside criticism or approval somehow colors the assurance in our soul.. 

people living in myriad hearts don't even know how many places they have visited.. 

after a few years of marriage individuals metamorphose into a couple.. and each time you turn to each other.. you stop seeing a person separate from yourself.. just, a spouse.. a sharing so elemental.. that interactions and nature surpass the physical.. 

most of our heart-ache stems from our reactions being swifter than our reason.. 

words can be lethally used for arming or disarming..

amidst rhythmic cadences dishing food for the soul, I touched the spirit of friendship.. and felt it smile.. 

friendships reflect in treasured enchantment.. a real heady and potent celebration, lighting myriad wicks of beaming memories.. 

if the color of death remains the same for all.. why does life hold such distinguishable shades.. 

why fixate on the 'pots of gold' when rainbows personify the 'richness' of life.. 

these memories become our treasure troves, where our hearts hug our loved ones and are refreshed.. hope we find the strength to hold on with a smile.. 

this world needs more people with a rummy 'spirit'.. an irreverent mix of sobering and heady all at once.. 

everything holds many facets and no singular truth, because truth remains a perception in individual hearts.. and our progress becomes a necessary step towards science to prove them.. 

in lighting our homes do we forget to ignite a candle in our own hearts.. for the flame of divinity needs but a spark.. 

let us clear our hearts enough to share the steady flame of life within.. and help connect myriad wicks celebrating a singular humanity..

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