Saturday, December 26, 2009

Buddha's Triple Jewel

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or the Three Refuges are Buddha, Dharma and Sangha..

Buddha is one of us who attained enlightenment, and if we are all one, then there is a 'Buddha' within us all.. he too went through lifetimes and life lessons to finally be able to look within himself deeply enough to see the way.. but even though we have all the answers within ourselves.. we need someone to guide us onto the right path.. so the first Refuge is a Master or Guru or guide..

Dharma is probably the most misunderstood word by the entire universe.. yes it means religion.. but as a means.. a path for each to follow.. so the second Refuge is the path or means or way..

Sangha are all the people who enter our lives to enable our life lessons.. so the third Refuge is every Individual in our lives.. whether friend.. teacher.. or relative..

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