if everything reduces to atoms.. animate or inanimate.. then is that the 'synchronicity' of life.. reducing.. embracing the 'Universe' to a singular identity.. a phenomenal sand artist breathing unique symphonies into each element.. that reverberate to their own music.. aching for that poignant note released into the cosmos..
everything seems to crumble.. coalesce.. swinging between disquiet and bliss.. eyes parched look around in fervent turmoil.. for that guiding soul.. and yet what of the myriad hands.. with their subtle nuances tracing the paths of our lives.. unobtrusively.. overtly.. leaving us standing on this precipice.. and we are still unable to.. jump.. and we still need a hand.. to help us back down!
in our quest for answers.. do we need to first empty our cups.. to 'unlearn' all that we think we know.. is everything.. each lifetime.. a mere role-play.. where each needs to stand apart.. and 'watch' the actor at work.. for neither the body.. nor the life we live.. remains ours.. is it possible to detach ourselves enough.. to see life as a cohesive whole.. is that the reason why no 'enlightened' soul could leave a legacy behind.. nor hold a hand to show the 'light'.. whether family.. friends.. disciples.. or relatives.. could they reach a 'detachment' from one lifetime.. to the 'universality' of the cosmos.. continuing to fulfill their birth.. with serenity and joy..
Thank you 3️⃣4️⃣
😘1️⃣Thank you so much darling for an awesome recommendation.. for knowing
i would like it because it was all you said.. thought-provoking to me,
cute, i...
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