Sunday, September 9, 2007

sour grapes

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A man gave a coin to four different people. One of them, a Persian, said, "I want to buy some 'anghur' with that!" The second man was an Arab and he said, "I want 'inab' not 'anghur,' you worthless fool!" The third was a Turk and he said, "This is my money and I don't want 'inab.' I want 'uzum.' The fourth, a Greek, shouted, "Shut up all of you! I want 'israfil!'"

In their madness, the four started to argue and hit each other because they didn't know the hidden meaning of names. They battered each other with their fists because they were empty of true knowledge and filled with ignorance.

every language has a specific word for everything.. the objects always remaining the same.. like if you go to any part of the world, and show an axe.. or a leaf.. they would easily recognize it.. same goes for God.. the only difference being.. we have different 'faces' and names, as per our culture and language.. and cannot hold out in our hand for another to recognize.. we cannot prove it as a scientific fact for a universal singular recognition.. and we 'destroy' HIM.. in his own name..

Four blind men tried to touch an elephant to try and find out what it was like, since they could not see they each had to feel the elephant with their hands. One person put his hand on its trunk and said, "This animal is like a water pipe!" The hand of another brushed its large ear; it seemed to him like a fan. Another seized its leg and declared, "The form of the elephant is like a pillar!" Another put his hand on his back and proclaimed, "The elephant is like a throne!"

Each time anyone heard a description of the elephant he would understand it through the particular part he had touched. According to whichever section of the animal they had encountered, their affirmations differed.

The eye of outward sense is only like the palm of a hand, how can you discover an elephant in its totality with just a palm?

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