Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Sign....

Digg this

A Bishop was testing the suitability of a group of candidates for baptism, and he asked them by what sign would others know that they are Catholics. No one replied, so the Bishop repeated the question, this time making the Sign of the Cross, to give them a clue to the right answer.. Suddenly, one of the candidates got it and said, "Love".. The Bishop was taken aback, and about to say 'wrong' then checked himself in the nick of time..

this is the true Sign of any religion.. and none.. no teacher can ever deny it.. even we, who study the scriptures, deeply and intensively, sometimes forget the 'boundaries' that we ring around an Omnipresent God.. 'limiting' HIM in a handful of pages and rituals.. who is himself Omniscient.. presuming to understand and comprehend.. who is Omnifarious.. defending, fighting over the Omnipotent One..


Anonymous said...

I might have dreamt a similar event. In my dream a young broken hearted soul began to separate out his mind, heart and soul. He immediately edited but not without at least one forgiving being seeing.
Luckily for the one who realized his mistake, his goal was not baptism, but to have the few he wronged understand the sincerity of his apology.
your shared thoughts are always a blessing Zahir.


‘AtInUs said...

A world famous violinist said this about his success in playing Beethoven's Violin Concerto: "I have a splendid violin, a splendid bow and splendid music. All I need to do is bring them together and get out of the way."

A teacher giving a lecture on modern inventions asked her students if they could mention something of importance that did not exist 50 years ago. One bright lad raised his hand and said, "Me!"

An image keeps holding me spellbound.. a bird sitting on my windowsill.. and I hold my breath.. lest it fly away.. not because I don't want it to.. only.. it's a miracle happening.. in every way.. thank you.. in your words I glimpse an angel who plays a symphony, and gets out of the way..

Anonymous said...

I'll see the paper boys tonight!

‘AtInUs said...

words are inadequate reflections of reality. A man thought he knew what the Taj Mahal was because he was shown a piece of marble and told that the Taj was just a collection of pieces like that. Another one was convinced that, because he had seen Niagara water in a bucket, he knew what the Falls were like.

Anonymous said...

Zahir, I am very sorry, I should not have commented at all yesterday and the comment "i'll s,ee the paperboy's tomorrow tonite!" It was disrespectful.
While it is true I'd have no problem stepping aside for the symphony. I comment yesterday morning was vengeful
For quite some time now (several weeks)It appeared we had 2-3 lurkers just on the other side of our backyard fence. I walked back there to inform them we were aware of their presence and that they should leave. So I was shocked and honestly a little pissed when i spotted their hedlampes. I was extremely upset that one of the windows they wear would have dirty work out. SO unforately I racked a 12 guage (never loaded but the sounds of racking the pump) is extremely realistic and what no.

I do really appreciate you sharing your wisdom with me, and I hope you didn't think I intended disrepect

‘AtInUs said...

"The beater and the beaten:
mere actors in a play
that is as short-lived as a dream."

'intrusion' in any way, puts us involuntarily on our guard.. and I'm sorry, for invading that 'space'..

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