Friday, September 21, 2007

chinese whisper

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We are all so disturbed about pollutants and their harmful effects.. always taking it as someone else's problem.. maybe we can help.. in our own little way.. knowing for a fact that indoor plants help fight pollution.. let us take the reins of our health in our own hands.. let 'education' make a positive difference, to the extent where we start 'thinking' for ourselves..

maybe there is greater truth in the book 'The Celestine Prophecy', than even the author realizes.. maybe that is why Indians have worshipped plants for centuries now.. sometimes I think.. what if we could 'sift' through all these ancient customs, reaching their core.. what truths would have been grossly missed.. like 'Chinese Whispers'.. distorted down generations.. into mere senseless rituals.. sadly missing their true worth completely.. like 'tulsi' worship.. a holy plant grown in every Indian household.. apart from all the rich myths about Gods and Goddesses.. maybe the real 'richness' was it's essential core properties..

sometimes I think.. if the tulsi plant really helps purify air.. then what difference it would make in an area full of high-rise buildings.. where each apartment has tulsi plants compulsorily growing in their windows.. why do we wait for 'movements' to take place, instead of becoming the 'movement' ourselves.. we each one of us, has something special to give.. and we must avail of that gift..

Some facts about BASIL:

"Basil has a rich history. 'Herb royale' to the French, a sign of love to Italians, and a sacred herb in India. The first century A.D. Roman naturalist Pliny reported that basil relieves flatulence, which had been subsequently proven true. In the Far East, the herb had been used as a cough medicine, and in Africa, it has been used to expel worms. American colonists considered Basil the essential ingredient in a snuff used to ease headaches.

This plant is an important ayurvedic herb. It is grown near Indian houses. It is believed to purify air by discharging negative ions. The plant is also believed to possess spiritual powers. For example, it opens heart and mind, gives love, devotion, faith, compassion, and clarity; cleanses the aura and it is believed to give Divine protection in the Hindu Vedas. It is one of the two most sacred plants in India.

USES: Coughs, colds, fevers, headaches, lung problems, abdominal distention, absorption, arthritis, colon (air excess), memory, nasal congestion, nerve tissue strengthening, purifies the air; sinus congestion, clears the lungs, heart tonic; it frees ozone from sun's rays and oxygenates the body, cleanses and clears the brain and nerves; relieves depression and the effects of poisons; difficult urination, prevents the accumulation of fat in the body (especially for women after menopause), obstinate skin diseases, arthritis, rheumatism, first stages of many cancers, builds the immune system. Tulsi contains trace mineral copper (organic form), needed to absorb iron."

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