So passionate was Mulla Nasruddin's love for truth that he travelled to distant places in search of Koranic scholars and he felt no inhibitions about drawing infidels at the bazaar into discussions about the truths of his faith.
One day his wife told him how unfairly he was treating her - and discovered that her husband had no interest whatsoever in that kind of Truth!
"Excellent sermon," said the parishioner, as she pumped the hand of the preacher. "Everything you said applies to someone or other I know."
More and more we do realize, It's the only kind that matters. Ours would be a different world, indeed, if those of us who are scholars and ideologues, whether religious or secular, had the same passion for self-knowledge that we display for our theories and dogmas. Yes, there IS a movement, an unrest.. needing to fill.. the emptiness.. the void.. the dissatisfaction each feels.. searching for something.. holding the answers.. deep within..
A great religious persecution broke out in the land and the three Pillars of religion, Scripture, Worship and Charity appeared before God to express their fear that if religion was stamped out they would cease to exist.
"Not to worry." said the Lord. "I plan to send One to earth who is greater than all of you."
"By what name is this Great One called?"
"Self-knowledge." said God. "He will do greater things than any of you have done."
'divinity' is within us.. science proves we live in worlds of our own making.. all we need is to set out on a journey that is unique and miraculous.. one that no one else can take.. for us.. one that would take away the 'rush' to reach some destination.. making each step a discovery.. a landmark.. a destination.. in itself.. this is our quest.. this is our treasure.. this is our crest.. to the disquiet.. the unrest.. the void.. each feels.. for that little bit 'more'..
Congratulations for Success 1️⃣5️⃣
👏1️⃣With the infinite you tube videos just on your name search, i think
you can start your own you tube channel and share them all in one place..
true w...
sometimes i wish people would just talk without the parables. talk about exactly what the situation was, especially since every vice i had and then some has been divulged with embellishment and reported to my family, and in many cases posted on the internet.
i just to know who those who were lurking outside my yard were, so that i do not have worry at night. i don't sleep well as it is. i don't hate anybody, i don'y hold grudges, you told me that i was safe, that they didn't know where i lived.
the shittiest part about it is that i would have NEVER EVER done anything to hurt you or someone you are seeing.
do you know what it's like to feel like you are loosing your mind? to be taunted by most everyone you interact with, to be duped by everyone you interact with. to be falsely labeled a criminal, stalker, psychotic delusional schitzo by the majority? And for the majority to be so convincing (or rather persistant) in their insults that your own mother drives six hours to come a look for track marks on your arm? And when she leaves still has suspicions and doesn't believe you?
Have you ever been wronged by a "saint", a saint who is extremely vocal about their "virtuous Ways" and just as vocal about false vices that you possess?
That even though they wronged you, their denial and slander of your character not only stripped you of your constant feeling of self-worth (as you are not worth someone's regret that they wronged you)
On top of that the constant psycho label had you questioning your own sanity?
Then growing tired of a virtual, physical, emotional, intelectual, and spiritual phuck...learning how to document such. Then burning those evidence of the facts so that the individuals who wronged you could more easily eat drink and be merry, party it up and be able to forget about it, so they could more easily be relieved of guilt?
and the cycle continuing, a reality in your life, always thinking that any day now the posts will stop, any day now you can spill your heart and guts on the table and the responses will be genuine, only to duped again, that your 7 yr old daughter and a stranger you've never met are the only ones you have come in contact with recently that do not present the demons lurking within when they interact with you?
Than even the reader of the lessons excuses such behavior as a direct result for MY attempts to give infidels a first hand view of your ceremonies?
To imply that I have delusions de grandiur and disorders that i am some sort of savior or chosen one?
I am sorry Zahir, but that is a crock. And "sorry for invading your space" is not an explaination, but only rather more anonymous posts that I am not willing to believe.
Sorry? who is sorry? whose pictures do i have on a memory stick wearing a headlamp and peeping on my house?
It is time for your congregations to walk the walk and take the responsibility that they are so vocal about being absent in regards to my character.
and this wasn't the place to bring voice my angry emotions. For bringing those negative feelings to life by posting them on your blog Zahir, i am sorry.
I know it's damned easy to talk.. and parables only jar faced with 'experience'.. and I am sorry.. whoever has hurt you so crushingly.. all I can say is why play into their hands.. why give them the satisfaction of seeing you 'shatter'.. however many fingers point at a person.. your 'reaction' becomes a reflection in their hearts.. none of those 'fingers' owe you anything.. but you do.. so take hold of your life.. and to hell with what anyone else thinks.. the 'truth' in a seven year daughter's eyes is all that matters.. and the only thing worth fighting for.. please don't apologize..
pretty shallow, pretty insane, pretty ugly, pretty lame. Anonymity is not understood by karma. Karma is a continuous cycle. I am not sorry, and it was not one thing, instance, or one person who put me through this.
It was a collective effort, one that continues, one that will end one way or another. joke em if the can't take a fuck...kill em all when they refuse to stop the writing on the wall. it's no wonder some of you freak the fuck out when you realize i figure out aspects of what was done. i be scared to if i was responsible for it and my anonymity could no longer hide me.
'anonymity' from what.. it's like a child closing his eyes believing no one can see him.. and though most of us grow up to be no different.. still, how can there ever be complete anonymity.. from ourselves.. from the 'light' within..
all that 'anger' is aimed at whom.. for can't you see it is only 'destroying' you..
hold on to that part of your soul that still belongs to you.. not marred or destroyed by the 'outside'.. don't let your whole life revolve around 'reacting'.. live your life the way you would have wanted it to be..
I know nothing of your life, am in no way equipped to 'comment'.. and it's so much easier to give advice than to follow it.. but one thing I do believe.. and that is no one can help us.. but ourselves..
as I read your earlier comment it was close to dawn.. and the sky looked awesome.. broken clouds dappled with amazing colors.. in divine representation of struggle and serenity..
what a coincidence, i take pictures of the skyline at sunsets, midnights, and just before sunrise. I wonder what my view here in the Pacific Northwest was compared to your view wherever it was that you saw it. It would be interesting to see how two different descriptions from two different people compared when the view was from the SAME point.
each unique in wondrous ways.. Myriad brushstrokes of moving colors.. Drawing unmatched hues in every soul
double D duble you double Oh bubble B
double el double E
Amen Amen
rock hard nipples
I rate you a perfect 10
dirt clustit
no one wants to hurt.. yet every heart remains distressed.. physical pain is easily healed.. the emotional festers unseen..
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