Friday, July 20, 2007


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sense a strange disenchantment.. like a freefall.. where the exhilaration vies with a resigned trust as you let yourself go..

"I like to think this pleases the river as much as it pleases me".. so so beautiful and uncannily familiar..

Yes, ‘Shantaram’ by Mr. Gregory David Roberts is so beautiful, not only for the 'true' picture of Indians and Mumbai, and a man's 'epic' experiences in a handful of years.. but the 'asides' his own unique views on life, so painfully enmeshed.. and you want to stop and feel the words overwhelm you in waves of gratitude.. hearing the echoing music in your heart.. a note not yet heard.. nor felt.. He has written about Mumbai in the 80's and through need and necessity, described factions of life that don't touch us otherwise..

the change from Bombay to Mumbai.. another lame effort towards finding something of import to stand up for.. don't know where it stops or who we are.. Indians or Americans.. Hindus or Christians.. Earthlings.. human beings.. funny to think sometimes.. how these birds, the oceans recognize no boundaries whatsoever.. yet we proudly call ourselves human.. why.. narrowing our lives further and further into restrictive individuality that recognizes only it's self.. unable to face the reflection.. seeking the essence outside..

about the Himalayas.. I am unable to touch on any of those experiences.. awed by this 'creation', this synchronicity.. this 'presence' each particle has in it's own particular place.. the pure snow turning to ice.. mixing with silt into muddy rivulets of water till it 'settles' down and the water clears.. evaporates maybe now.. maybe earlier.. into yet another message of life.. so beautifully in sync with the cycle of birth and death as we know it..

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