Friday, July 20, 2007


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we keep fighting our personal demons.. sacrificing pockets of life and people.. moments and hands.. that could hold a smile deep within.. have to face this 'battle' alone.. but some good always comes out of everything.. opening tiny paths for us.. molding our souls.. time becoming our very own alchemist..

sometimes the 'silences' breathe louder.. and you wait for them to soften.. enough to reach inside.. and understand..

have been reading this book ‘The Secret’ by Ms.Rhonda Byrne, which keeps bringing me back to me.. and I wonder.. if under hypnosis man can move mountains so to speak.. why can't we 'train' our minds to 'believe' in ourselves.. naturally.. if our thoughts are determining our future.. our feelings affecting our choices.. if 'conditioning' is all we need to get rid of.. towards limitless possibilities.. and this is the 'secret' to life.. then why are we still looking outwards.. is this what the scriptures mean by saying God is there within us all.. are we turning to faith.. and prayers.. for things to happen.. when all along it is our 'faith' that becomes the miracle..

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