Friday, April 30, 2021

Soft drinks

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Thums Up - A signal of Life..

Coke - a high with a fizz..

Sprite - the spirit of fun 

Search Engines

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Google - Online Genie.. New name for Internet

Yahoo - A Happy Search

MSN - Managing Significant Networking


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What is a review all about? A few words of introduction, like an epitaph, delineating the very essence of an object, person or product, through a singular viewpoint. In this deep necessity and dependency for such opinions, one should always determine their individual taste, need and choice criterias, before dismissing outright something or someone, so painstakingly put together.

Monday, April 15, 2013

A thousand words

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Saw this movie 'a thousand words', and what I found most striking was how scary silence can be, and how essential it seems for us to rush in with words to fill that void.. how much more we actually get to 'hear' others..

why do words delineate us to such an extent.. words that define who other people are.. never ourselves.. if they could define us.. if only they could define us.. I wonder if it would end most of the strife in this world..

and what of the 'vibrations' we hear so much about.. would the ensuing silences help humanity as a whole..

so words.. these words that we put so much store by.. why not do away with them..
slowly.. ever so slowly.. withering away from our thoughts..
disappearing as concrete reality into whiffs of hopeful notions
piercing.. subtle.. curious.. excited..
seeking.. plumbing those depths in silent awe
of the secrets hidden.. overt.. unseen..

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Franz Kafka

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reading Kafka is like the night sky lit up with myriad winking stars or rays of sunshine igniting the sea with shards of light.. the mundane.. the bizarre.. moving hand in hand to unveil the ironic eccentricities of life.. with a feather-touch or whiff of fresh air.. 'Metamorphosis' is a story of a man turning into a giant beetle.. maybe speaking of the import of the sole 'bread-winner' in any family.. and how everyone is affected in case he is not able to take care of them anymore.. how he becomes a burden to everyone.. almost like a pest to be swat away.. an encumberance.. bringing out the best in others towards pursuing their potential.. but an exquisite selfishness where he is concerned.. 'The Great Wall of China" is the building of the wall piecemeal.. maybe speaking of the world and how it has been divided in small and yet smaller portions.. 'Investigations of a Dog' speaks of a dog and his life.. maybe speaking of humanity and enlightenment.. 'In the penal settlement' is about a death penalty without any formal sentence with a torturous method.. maybe trying to work out the whole 'judgement' issue.. for the officer in charge comes across as a cruel fanatic.. but in his mind his belief is so essentially strong that he puts himself proudly on the same torture contraption without any sign of fear or pain.. trying to prove his pride in this 'work of art' by his commandant.. 'the giant mole' is about the discovery of a mole by a teacher.. maybe mocking all such presumptive import each grants to himself.. and the kind of time effort and energy that goes to waste.. 'the burrow' he speaks of a building a burrow trying to make it secure.. which could be about our immune system and illness..

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Museum of Innocence

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Reading Mr.Orhan Pamuk's Novel, The Museum of Innocence, one can't help but realize how much our world revolves around ourselves.. no matter how trivial, every moment is phenomenally crucial, to ourself.. our life.. and we wonder how the world can just move on right beside us so nonchalantly.. obsession, in whatever way, is a part of our lives, somehow giving meaning to it.. and we need the 'recognition' and 'acknowledgement' of the same desperately.. but, is it as momentous to others.. or as ludicrous and trivial as the 'museum' is to readers not sharing the same 'obsession'.. we all have these limitless stores of memorabilia, stored in pockets of memories, captured in the museum of our mind.. and though they don't lack import, others still write their own story.. and care about their own collection.. finding it equally ludicrous all around..

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sena off Color

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What is the purpose behind blocking the Colors channel because of Pakistani participation in some attempt of tit for tat.. does it mean they condone what the other country did by doing the same thing.. or do they protest what the other country did by doing the same thing.. in a city that breathes the spirit of Cosmopolitan Benevolence, are they retaining or destroying it.. if they protest as Indian Citizens here, then how do they forget that while saturating the spirit of Mumbai into a singular caste and lingo.. are they losing that unique Power and Respect earned over time.. what is tarnishing that fervor.. that belief.. that fearless grit.. People who can stand up for their Country, should not be dividing it in such trifling ways..

Adversity, Tragedy, Validation and Love

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adversity exposes our true nature.. The rescued miners from Chile represent a celebration of our fight for survival at any cost.. let's hope they are able to bounce back to normalcy with the same aplomb.. 

short movie, 'Validation' - so beautiful on so many different levels.. it's our most basic need.. 'validation'.. an appreciation and acknowledgment of our existence.. yet so starved of that single 'I see you'.. we can recognize the hurt.. but only in ourselves.. 

short movie, 'The Door' - an unnerving depiction of the universal tragedy of Chernobyl.. a door symbolizing the swinging joys and sorrows.. unhinged into a last desperate wisp of dignity.. 

'SILK' by Alessandro Baricco - mesmeric wings of gossamer light amidst peaceful hues of intense moments, enhanced within a fluid hush.. like poetry in moving exposure..

Monday, September 13, 2010

Soul of India, Song of Dusk

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'expectations' - every past moment has molded us into who we are today.. and will continue to do so.. no matter where we are.. the 'shifting' within us as we raise more and more barriers with each disillusionment.. each disappointment.. had read a book sometime back, very controversial in it's acclaim.. 'The Last Song of Dusk' .. the author, Mr.Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi, a very young guy.. was able to bring out this fact so beautifully in his two characters.. a couple who lost their child.. and how each coped with the same grief.. and how it molded them into who they became because of it.. really subtle and brilliant portrayal of human nature and how everything that happens in our lives molds us into who we are at a given point in time.. sometimes unrecognizable to people who knew us so well.. 

it's uncanny how, in "Shantaram", Mr.Gregory David Roberts and in 'Holy Cow', Ms.Sarah MacDonald, have been able to grasp the sheer sense of 'freedom' touching the soul of India.. but more than anything, they somehow speak to the 'seeker' in each.. both very diverse journeys into India, both applauding, respecting, celebrating its unique pervasive spirit, that embraces and acknowledges 'life' for itself.. not chaffing the husk but the disdain..

Sunday, June 20, 2010


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it is so easy to shrug off or dismiss something away from the norm.. and 'Ravana' is one such film.. visually stupendous and vibrantly alive, this movie attempts to illustrate the 'Ramayana' of today.. with humanity as the norm, how values twist and stand on their head.. blurring the lines between good and evil, chiding those very 'stamps'.... Mr.Abhishek Bachchan and Mrs.Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, powerful actors in their own right, try to capture these 'changing' emotions on screen within a span of this short time.. celebrating the latent 'divinity' of every human being, so intrinsically enmeshed with the sublime.. compelling us to look in that mirror we can no longer avoid.. the swiftly changing faces of good and evil.. and their blurred defining lines.. like quicksilver these defining attempts of mankind.. can we find it in our heart, to accept.. to forgive.. to understand..

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Eat Pray Love

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just finished the book 'Eat Pray Love', one woman's journey around the world, for a single step into her own heart.. though every experience is unique to that one person.. and we all need to step into our own light.. be it night or day.. we are grateful to Ms Elizabeth Gilbert, for this account of human 'possibility'.. that comes with no guarantees.. that needs constant work.. that isn't earth-shaking, but definitely 'moving' enough to embrace ourselves.. each one of us seeks a hand.. a guide.. a guru.. who miraculously makes everything okay.. but they can show us how to climb a mountain.. the grit is in our own hands.. loved the specifics in prayer, attested by as much of the universe as we can bring in.. love the thought of forgiving ourselves.. accepting.. and loving the good and the bad.. for how can we shadow the residing divinity within and yet seek to embrace the whole.. and that goes for the whole Universe too.. tiny little pockets of hope amidst an almost heroic saga.. a fairy tale odyssey of the heart..

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rann and the Times

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why does the media enhance any fatality or mishap, by every possible similar news item.. whether it's about the police, AI, Railways, even Kasab(what was Kasab doing on a page full of film stars!!).. anything at all.. to enhance one story in the newspaper, there would be myriad others, filling the page, all pointing fingers at the police at some point or another.. if Noetic Science proves the power of collective thought, then maybe the media has a bigger responsibility here.. to promote peace, to promote trust, instead of suspicion, disquiet, and an increasing loss of faith in the system.. Mr.Amitabh Bachan had starred in a movie recently, 'Rann', enhancing such issues, that disgust, people inking 'corruption' in black OR white, depending on the decor of their interiors..

DID versus Chak Dhoom Dhoom

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what a pleasure it is to see the dance show 'Chak Dhoom Dhoom' on Colors.. a heartstoppingly fragrant bouquet of exceptional dancing.. stunning choreography.. like a galaxy of stars.. tiny twinkling sparkling joyous stars shining brightly in the benevolent and gentle glow of their masters strength.. this show has surpassed every other, with it's singular warmth and attention on the children.. just seeing the expressions of Mrs.Saroj Khan and the panel of masters, tugs at our heartstrings.. and lights up the kids eyes.. on the other hand, another show on Zee, 'DID', a dance show that was a pleasure to watch, because of Mr.Mithun Chakraborty, his sincerity, and his sheer love for dance and the participants, seems to have faded in comparison, compelling me to write here.. is it unfair to the little ones, to be choreographed by budding aspirants.. or is it a platform for those aspirants to prove themselves.. but the show is about the little ones.. and they deserve a better platform.. after all they have gone through..

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Theyyam and Blindside

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love the Theyyam ritual.. beautiful personification of God in each one of us.. mocking all man-made 'distinctions' and discrimination.. 

There are no weak kids, only weak teachers.. Blindside - an awesome depiction of blind faith and trust within family members alongwith their unswerving support. the fragility of a child's life, easily nurtured or destroyed.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


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IMAGE SOURCE 'AVATAR' ethereally personified mystique!! an amazing impression.. really palpable.. a potent personality statement.. like the greeting 'I see you'.. really precious.. one of the most sensorially beautiful movies I have ever seen.. one that quietly sits in your heart and you want to hold on.. to that image of 'life'.. the name 'Avatar' itself means manifestation of the sacred.. this movie is a 'spiritual' experience visualized for one and all.. the uniquely insightful glimpse into 'reality' via 'pandora', another name holding such mystique.. the personification of astral travel after falling asleep.. everything pointing towards life as it should be.. humanity as it should be.. beliefs as they should be.. and the glaring contrast with 'humans' as a rule.. fills you with a sense of deep loss.. at the treasures.. the peace.. we forsake.. race against.. every moment.. the greeting 'I see you'.. such a beautiful way of acknowledging someone's presence.. not just with mere words.. but a presence as a whole.. the interconnectedness of everything.. the respect for every life-form.. the non-necessity of personal possessions.. for nature provides for one and all.. and if it's a singular thought.. singular energy.. singular life.. then where's the need for 'walls'.. it's an alien world.. made alien by us.. which though we move away from further and further.. since life comes full circle.. we in fact move towards it.. for everyone needs to reach 'home'.. the move meshes with buddhist beliefs.. soft touches of symbolism.. like the tree of souls or life.. and you wish for that 'transition' the 'hero' makes..


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Al Pacino's movie 'Simone' proclaims that people blindly buy whatever 'sells'.. maybe this proves the theory of 'interconnectedness' of thoughts determining 'trends' and 'fads'.. such a dichotomy between 'virtual' and 'real'.. everything being 'created' by someone.. and as the movie unfolds one can't help but feel the similarity between Man's own virtual 'creation' by God.. and the dreamworld 'realities' therein.. despite realizing the truth of the dream.. unable to unravel the enmeshed web.. enough to 'wake up'..

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


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Disappearance of the universe - don't read it for how it's written.. or what it says.. because every moment every word is 'interpreted' by our selves uniquely.. eastern beliefs sparkling through western facets.. just like the constancy of the sun.. let us recognize darkness as simply our own perception 

Under the Tuscan Sun - cute movie.. about 'hopelessly' in love.. 

the TV show Raaz Pichhle Janam Ka on hypnotic regression both intrigues and disappoints.. but maybe now more and more of us will realize the import of 'memorable impressions'.. 'completion' and 'moving on'.. the serious 'reservation' being.. brazenly feeding the fears and misconceptions of people.. and the worst is the timing.. can be really scary for impressionable kids who can barely understand the whole concept.. 

The movie 2012 celebrates the human spirit amidst utter destruction.. and tenuous fragility of life and possessions..  

The Last Lecture - a great attitude.. and the beauty of the book is it's minimalistic simplicity enmeshed with refreshing innocence.. analytical observance mingled with avid curiosity and wondrous awareness.. and this tiny package is a gift to every parent.. teacher.. and child.. each valuing it movingly..

Saw this movie.. Before Sunrise .. there were some beautiful thoughts in it.. specially loved this one.. she says.. ‘God resides in the space between two hearts.. and each time we cover that space, is when we find him’.. 

‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran.. really is beautiful.. we naturally relate relationships with possession.. inhibiting both.. personal growth and one together.. Gibran puts it so beautifully.. “let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of heavens dance between you. Love one another, but drink not from one cup… Let each one of you be alone.. Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music… and stand together; but yet not too near together; for the pillars of the temple stand apart, and the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each others shade”……

reading Siddhartha by Mr.Hermann Hesse .. makes you realize the 'whole'.. ruefully looking away in each moment of standing judgement.. like that learned man needing to live with a prostitute.. do each one of us need to experience life in all it's darkness.. moulding our souls.. to really comprehend the light.. an ongoing process in each lifetime.. like nature.. that takes it's course.. day and night.. all the seasons.. who mourns the flowers.. which tree asks for it's just rewards or cling.. as it shelters all those that make a home in it.. 

Monday, December 28, 2009

The 3 Idiots - Mr.Abhijat and Mr.Aamir

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IDIOTS literally translated - Impish Dreamers Impetuously Opposing The System! the movie brought out very valid issues regarding the pressures of education by rote and percentages becoming the yardstick of self worth.. herd mentality used to determine the 'future' of mankind!!.. hope this movie wakes all parents and educationists to the unique talents of every child.. what could be more tragic than this fractured faith of our youth in the adult world.. Rarely you find yourself intrigued enough to know more about the people in and behind a movie.. and Mr.Abhijat Joshi and Mr.Aamir Khan, are two such exceptional people, who compellingly invite every person to enter their realm.. join hands and celebrate.. the miracle and magic of life.. asking the right questions with the backdrop of humor that would easily reach out to the masses and create a storm.. realizations that no school seems able to give.. and one hearteningly rejoices in that single attempt.. that unique insight.. made possible within easy reach of the common man.. speaking his language.. lightening the heart in learning and following.. a phenomenal job in itself.. whether natural frailty of 'human' character.. or words like 'duty' becoming bigger than life itself.. or the fragility of life and love faced with fanatical beliefs.. or forgiveness and acceptance as the truest karmic solution.. or now their latest movie 'the three idiots'.. pointing out the most phenomenal need of today.. to create an educational system that 'enlightens'.. that lets our future generations 'think' instead of 'killing' their natural curiosity.. teaching by rote.. burdening tiny shoulders to the extent that they break or barely stand straight.. and if they do.. only mechanically.. professing to know exactly what a child or student needs.. like a herd of sheep.. who would blindly follow the one in front.. and not individuals with unique minds.. parents unburdening their dreams on their children.. forgetting completely whose happiness is at stake.. theirs or their child's.. why don't we stop and think about the rising stress levels and inability to cope with them.. and inculcate that into our education system.. so that our children grow into confident assured human beings.. and not a confused.. insecure.. worried and burdened generation.. with conditioned lifestyle.. thinking.. and behavior.. Two of Mr.Aamir Khan's movies, 'Taare zameen par' and '3 Idiots', gently try to shake us out of our apathy towards our 'future'.. the message more intense because of his 'sincerity' in the role.. two of Mr.Abhijat Joshi's screenplays, 'lagey raho munna bhai' and '3 Idiots' also attempt to show us the way.. Hats off to these Talent Gurus.. who prove that whatever the profession.. we can help mankind by being ourselves.. we all have something to give back.. and one should never give up trying to do so.. sincere thanks from a really grateful heart..

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Buddha's Wheel of Life

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Heavenly Beings




Hungry ghosts


This Wheel of Life is mostly construed as one between lifetimes, but maybe it is the life we choose for ourselves.. whether divine.. humane.. demonic.. beastly.. obsessive.. or tormenting.. stages that traverse lifetimes.. till we see the way..

Buddha's 5 Precepts

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1. No killing

2. No stealing

3. No sexual misconduct

4. No lying

5. No intoxicants

Respect all life-forms.. the earth.. our environment.. for to kill anything is to destroy ourselves.. to steal is to deprive ourselves.. sexual misconduct undermines the belief in our own pure nature.. lying takes us away from our own truth.. and intoxicants lead us further astray from the clarity of our paths..