IDIOTS literally translated - Impish Dreamers Impetuously Opposing The System! the movie brought out very valid issues regarding the pressures of education by rote and percentages becoming the yardstick of self worth.. herd mentality used to determine the 'future' of mankind!!.. hope this movie wakes all parents and educationists to the unique talents of every child.. what could be more tragic than this fractured faith of our youth in the adult world.. Rarely you find yourself intrigued enough to know more about the people in and behind a movie.. and Mr.Abhijat Joshi and Mr.Aamir Khan, are two such exceptional people, who compellingly invite every person to enter their realm.. join hands and celebrate.. the miracle and magic of life.. asking the right questions with the backdrop of humor that would easily reach out to the masses and create a storm.. realizations that no school seems able to give.. and one hearteningly rejoices in that single attempt.. that unique insight.. made possible within easy reach of the common man.. speaking his language.. lightening the heart in learning and following.. a phenomenal job in itself.. whether natural frailty of 'human' character.. or words like 'duty' becoming bigger than life itself.. or the fragility of life and love faced with fanatical beliefs.. or forgiveness and acceptance as the truest karmic solution.. or now their latest movie 'the three idiots'.. pointing out the most phenomenal need of today.. to create an educational system that 'enlightens'.. that lets our future generations 'think' instead of 'killing' their natural curiosity.. teaching by rote.. burdening tiny shoulders to the extent that they break or barely stand straight.. and if they do.. only mechanically.. professing to know exactly what a child or student needs.. like a herd of sheep.. who would blindly follow the one in front.. and not individuals with unique minds.. parents unburdening their dreams on their children.. forgetting completely whose happiness is at stake.. theirs or their child's.. why don't we stop and think about the rising stress levels and inability to cope with them.. and inculcate that into our education system.. so that our children grow into confident assured human beings.. and not a confused.. insecure.. worried and burdened generation.. with conditioned lifestyle.. thinking.. and behavior.. Two of Mr.Aamir Khan's movies, 'Taare zameen par' and '3 Idiots', gently try to shake us out of our apathy towards our 'future'.. the message more intense because of his 'sincerity' in the role.. two of Mr.Abhijat Joshi's screenplays, 'lagey raho munna bhai' and '3 Idiots' also attempt to show us the way.. Hats off to these Talent Gurus.. who prove that whatever the profession.. we can help mankind by being ourselves.. we all have something to give back.. and one should never give up trying to do so.. sincere thanks from a really grateful heart..
Thank you 3️⃣4️⃣
😘1️⃣Thank you so much darling for an awesome recommendation.. for knowing
i would like it because it was all you said.. thought-provoking to me,
cute, i...
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