Saturday, June 4, 2022

Sanctity lives on

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should've taken out time to speak to you.. shared in your joy with more specific attention.. I've seen you in such diverse moods now and by far this was the most vulnerable.. open.. now don't hate this okay.. it was wonderful to see and i've been kicking myself mentally since there are some moments that need to be heard.. that extended hand so genuinely offered.. if you believe strongly enough you can make miracles happen.. sounds like a fairytale wrapped in harsh reality.. 

a writer could never lose touch with his words or himself.. can't have a poet not feeling the skies.. such a simplistic view of each nuance, each mood.. each interest captured so fascinatingly.. to portray the ordinary as the extraordinary.. capture the dewdrops forever before the sunshine ever touched them.. and the beauty would be forever felt.. along with the freshness too.. no concept of 'self' yet saying so much altogether.. 

all our dreams has 'us' behind them.. maybe some are not of our choice.. but there's nothing stopping us from enjoying them anyway.. that way we save our 'spirit' for those few moments that still capture the dream.. and ensure it's possibility.. 

there aren't so many people in the world that we do know.. we should always be able to make them feel the warmth, the smile which is so reflective within us too.. the empty spaces are there in all of us.. it's a rare touch.. a rare moment.. when someone can fill them up.. the silence and the peace.. as if past and present merged and became one in your soul.. in that sacred place the whole aura seeping into your being with it's calm and silent acceptance of the ravaging of time.. and yet what was really lost.. you still feel it still remember it.. it's touched your heart, it's sanctity lives on in your soul.. 

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