Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Oysters autobiography

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'energy flows where attention goes'

'the pearl is the oysters autobiography'

I want to write, why do words fail me now, the cell phone seemingly mocking me lying there, almost gauging my wait, an unease, a restlessness within, the urge so intense, to turn towards the one person I look to in my time of need.. the missing becoming so impossible to handle at such moments

you're in each breath I take

on my skin and in my mind

molding each word and thought

compelling, rapturous and blind

now i know what it means to be really complete, it was just a word till i met you.. who was to know of the emptiness within till i was faced with the fulfilment of you.. my heart feels so full of love and gratitude for you.. i can actually feel the ache  in my throat and heart, it touches me so deeply.. will i ever be able to show you what you mean to me.. nothing comes even close to expressing the love and regard i hold for you, you who has given birth to  this wonderful feeling in my heart suffusing my  whole being, thus helping me touch the skies at one with God.. i  want to make you so happy do everything for you, you have taken me to paradise and shown me heaven in one lifetime.. how has it been so palpably felt all along, all around, a constant, close to my heart.. giving deep contentment

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