sometimes hurt shatters into shards of broken pain.. leaving scars that might fade in a semblance of healing but what shifts inside that vulnerable core which involuntarily protective throws up walls that hold it's fragile essence forever at bay.. nothing dies except that light shrouded in darkness stranger to all the senses.. for none weeps.. not even the self.. unconsciously burying slivers of heart into that cell.. bit by bit shrinking till there's nothing left to give..
the pain the hurt gets so deep but sometimes something snaps and you need to shift into a different world.. a conscious building up of walls.. high so high.. leaving no room for any doors only when you need to return you can't find that portion of your heart locked away into the darkest recesses removed from any consciousness of it's existence.. unable to truly give of yourself any more.. for a portion is all that is left with you.. the scaling so scary the fear so real.. that this time the plunge might shatter you irrevocably...
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