Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Conditioned Lenses

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The weather is quite pleasant in the evening, with birds happily chirping amidst free falls and flying antics.. Playfully showing off or racing each other freely across the skies.. If we put all their population together wonder how much it would be and how and where they find food and shelter, and quiet peace.. Without scaring the human race as competition.. The parrots scream the loudest aping the human race.. Deserving show-offs, with those dazzling stunning designer shades of green and shaming the brightest lipstick colors of red.. Crows and ravens just might be the bird police in disguise.. Keeping an eye on everything and everyone around.. Ignored.. Dismissive.. And shunned.. The pigeons and the sparrows suitably camouflaged.. Former harbingers of peace.. And fed so openly in droves as such.. And the latter, babies of the family, flitter around hopping here and there.. Cutely part of the scenery, but never a part of adult affairs.. The mynah and cuckoo rarely seen, make their presence felt with ethereally plaintive love songs painfully soothing, uplifting, joyous.. 

My friends son passed away, and she wanted to know why, what does this mean.. Just sent a msg of consolation to an inconsolable emotion.. Really feel empty and desolate right now.. Trying desperately to seek solace in nature.. In its calm cyclic acceptance.. And constant stalwart dignity and beauty.. Freely giving of itself.. Without judgment, hurt, criticism, pride, vanity or ridicule.. 

Is this what meditation aspires to.. Fear and faith are these the two words that hold the key to life.. Our fears prey on us.. Blinding us to every other truth.. Our fears never change the outcome of a given situation instead create myriad future health issues.. 'In this moment i have everything'.. That is all we need to see.. the meaning of life eludes everyone.. Except the ones who can 'see' .. They too are unable to gift-wrap the answers.. For expecting some huge resolution to a phenomenal mystery the simple answers explained escape unnoticed.. An answer each needs to seek within themselves.. Being unique faces of God at play, each needs to quench His illusive dream thirst for being 'human' experientially.. Till ready to awaken into divine singular omni reality.. 

Without specs one only sees blurred images.. And sometimes i wonder, what if we could take off the conditioned lenses in our Minds and once again see the world as a unclear picture with undefined lines.. needing personal clarity.. And unique outlines.. Foraying discovering Uncharted paths whether outside or inside.. Without the clouds who would play hide and seek with the moon.. 

There is something about the fluid movement of the waves.. Rhythmic.. Gliding.. Smooth rise and fall.. Breathing.. Alive.. A minuscule sheen lit up with the froth of exertion reflecting unaware lights here and there.. Moving lurching my soul in an echoing sound at once tranquil and soothing.. Alluring and beckoning.. The sky lightening with huge crowds of unbroken clouds.. And i realize the power of white.. Defying this dark night into visible waves of light and a pearly night sky.. 

Today again i realize life is really fleeting and our minds desperately need to be harnessed and de-cluttered.. For in this present moment our eternity resides.. To ignore skip and leap into the future only lands us painfully lost..

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