Friday, April 30, 2021


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Things do not happen to us.. They happen for us

Things are not in our way.. They are our way

For every negative thought generate a positive one

Meditation translates the language of our soul

Break a conditioning that controls the untouched experiences of life

Know your own identity to realize any attachment in life

Our looks shame us more than our behavior

Meditation personifies the most beautiful bond in the world

It isn't what people think, its what you think that changes your life

Families are meant to complete not compete each other

Identify the actor behind the roles you play

If we are all trying to do our best why criticize

When we believe ourselves to be right so does the other person

Irritation only disturbs us things still move at their own pace 

Help your heart understand the diary of your soul

Not accepting people the way they are only changes our own mindset

Enjoy the rhythm of life to dance with your soul

Charity begins with intention

Create an unconditional environment in your heart

The stillness of our mind reveals the universe in its depths

A negative act cannot get positive results

The thoughts we empower navigate our destiny

Intention transforms the language of our life 

Where there is choice there can only be responsibility

Challenge a belief system that enslaves life 

Mind your step not the distance

Can we exude for our Children the happiness they instill in us

Improve the quality of your thoughts to meet the expectations of your life

We forget that the remote of our mind is in our hands

Divinity binds the folds of our identities

We are happy and complete in ourselves, we just don't know it yet

Our hands hold the cause and effect of our life

We surprise life every moment with the hidden reserves of our selves

Love and compassion walk through the secret barriers of our heart

Stay addicted to the habits of your soul

Stop polluting minds with negative vibrations

We are trying to convince a world that exists in our minds

Find the magic seed in your soul to nurture the tree of life

Our thoughts magnetize the focus of our senses 

In trying to change others for the better we sometimes change ourselves for the worse

Losing a bucket of love does not exhaust the ocean in our heart

The ability to find chinks of goodness bathes us in perpetual light

In storing all our memories we forgot to remember our soul

Karma bathed with the light of our soul paves a beautiful destiny

Spend some time with the healer within 

Groom your minds for a beautiful world

Take a holiday with your heart and enjoy its destinations

Every morning let your heart refresh its beats to an unmatched Dawn

The door to our past shuts to make every moment a fresh start

Celebrate this life that finds fresh expression in every heart 

Thoughts form the roots of our personality

Improve the quality of your thoughts to meet the demands of life

Every heart holds a handful of magic that our conditioning does not let us believe in

Resist the company of thoughts to enjoy the embrace of silence 

The art of listening finds meaning in the soundless notes of life

Find the playground in your heart where innocence abides

Quit complaining check your own version of the world 

If everything New is cause for celebration, wish you a Happy Moment

If we all connect at the soul level this world would transform

The movement in our minds becomes the tipping point of this world

Identifying with the body we look for happiness, identifying with the soul we radiate it 

Do we need the culprit or a solution

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