Sunday, January 10, 2021

Public exhibits

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10jan 2021

The smiling moon glowed a dazzling gold, making it impossible to see the rest of its face.. enjoying the street lights diving deep into the sea, in exultant, freedom.. spirallling paths of excitement within, pulsing frissons of light wherever they touched.. Nature embraces everyone, celebrating every aspect of its uniqueness, why does it scare us so much.. constantly needing either to pull up or down, others and ourselves too.. making it the yardstick to any successful relationship.. our loved ones becoming public exhibits A, B, C, D and so on, valued accordingly.. the means of life have evolved phenomenally.. using fragments of our environment, and pieces of ourselves.. and we still continue to constuct mechanically, for a disappearing self.. the sun rises fiery and strong, spreading colors of sunshine, that speak the healing language of unconditional love.. 

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