Friday, January 8, 2021

Frowning sky

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1jan 2021

The sky weaves a blanket of clouds to cover the cold moon..
the sleepless, restless moon, stares down at the world.. filtering a litany of stories, incessantly written wherever they touch..
the clouds try in vain to help it sleep, compulsively forming halos as even they crowd around irresistibly.. and dark clouds rush in to take their place, to appease the frowning sky..
losing miserably, as the moon glows so bright, that nothing dare cover its wide awake eyes..
This New Year gifted the moon to me, and i just stand here, spellbound!
Even the Birds are going wild trying to catch its attention, to impress such dazzling beauty..
still high in the sky, it waits for the advent of the sun.. painting the sky an unbelievable pink and white.. a celestial chess board, with one missing royalty..
and the sun steps out.. to wish me a happy new year.. the birds break into ecstatic song..
the clouds trying in vain, their luck with the sun..
this pure orange orb holds magnetically..
a miracle happening.. a divine blessing..
in a moment night.. in a moment day.. in a moment is life.. a moment holds sway.. a moment gives the beggar gold hidden in a dumpster.. a moment makes a king lose his life and kingdom in war.. in a moment planets align, in a moment they disrupt.. if time reigns supreme.. why gloat or despise.. a moment is all it takes.. to change the colors of a life.. appearances and comparisons only feed or drain our egos.. the essence remains unnoticed, seamless, singular.. we all want so much in life.. a perfect world.. divinity gifted us the means.. up to us how we construct.. 

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