Thursday, December 31, 2020

Shivers of sunshine

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Seeing the hues of Dawn seeping deep into the heart of a blushing sea, i can only imagine the depths people are coloring us with, for aren't we too becoming mere mirrors, reflecting all that we see, identifying with all that we see, manifesting all that we see..

It never fails to fascinate those shivers of sparkling sunshine, as the sea dons dresses of spun gold and shimmering diamonds showcased royally by her..

I find Language fascinatingly wondrous and magical, as it translates in hearts with a fresh and unique meaning

Lockdown has given us the eyes, the time, to see things differently. Everyone says there are more birds around, but i feel they were always there, we were too rushed to see. Now we have parrots as friends, guests that energize and uplift as we happily feed them. Beauty and attitude factors majorly in our lives, even our attention towards birds proves that to us.

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