have started coming 15mins early to be able to enjoy the sunrise.. which is yet to happen.. it is broad daylight.. but the sun has yet to come out.. the sky is really clear with diffusing shades of red pink and orange from where the sun will rise.. can hear strange bird sounds all around.. saw a crow skiing in the breeze almost.. with both its claws held tightly together and wings widely spread out.. it just let itself go.. enjoying its abandoned flight.. the sun has just come out.. a beautiful orange orb.. compelling.. attracting.. wooing my senses.. to hold on.. to hug.. to let go of myself.. wish i could silence my thoughts.. quiet my words.. and be a child in the lap of nature.. today my thoughts have been really chaotic.. despite the early hours.. i feel we are just too conditioned to think of worse case scenarios all the time.. in order to be better prepared to deal with life.. and that is really messing up the whole environment around us.. unable to think happy thoughts.. we gallop on the back of random thoughts helter skelter.. falling.. hurting.. instead of taming them and enjoying the exhilaration of a great ride.. the sun is really high now.. and i can feel its rays warming every pore holding hands with the cooling touch of the breeze.. laughing.. playful.. exuberant.. nature loves us so deeply.. it just cannot be contained or described in words.. these are the silent relatives.. friends.. playmates.. toys.. vibrations.. that each one of us gets freely.. never alone.. always loved.. nature is the expression of gods love.. the way we show things to our children.. to play.. cajole.. console.. god paints the sky.. plays music over the sea.. dances on the breeze.. creates incessantly vibrant life all around afresh..
Thank you 3️⃣4️⃣
😘1️⃣Thank you so much darling for an awesome recommendation.. for knowing
i would like it because it was all you said.. thought-provoking to me,
cute, i...
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