Just when i think i have the got the right shade of color, it moves into another shade. Such is the brush of this divine painter, as it fills hues of sunshine into every Dawn.
I love the present - a gift from God
Watching this lone star in the pitch dark sky uplifted my spirits with shades of inspiration and hope. In the hues of darkness there are some who go completely blind, unable to even imagine coming out of it. Some freeze in the dark but wait for things to change.. some expectantly look towards an imagined light, knowing its there.. and some focus within, becoming the light, shining brightly for themselves, a beacon for the rest of the world.
Seeing the racing shades playing catch across the field of the sky, my heart feels ready to burst with emotions hard to contain, a confluence of love and joy that compels me to rise so early, but despite this feeling, this treasured moment, this divine gift given freely, unconditionally, we walk away into dawns of sleep, taking for granted it will always be there, indulging comfort and inertia in spoilt petulancy, ignoring what we have, unappreciative, we curse life, we yearn for luxuries that cost dear, we earmark our worth and value financially, we wallow in loneliness and rue not having anyone or ever being loved. And Nature continues to woo, and love and enrich despite all our ignorance.
As the eagles fly high proudly declaring their domain, swooping down on anyone who dares defy them, and the parrots race each other screaming in glee, and the crows clean and feed themselves, and the sparrows hopping playfully, playing fly-catch, calling out with their happy trill.. declaring their needs in no firm litany, i wonder at their freedom, their unquestionable rightfulness in Nature, and our acceptance and enjoyment of it all.
Thank you 3️⃣4️⃣
😘1️⃣Thank you so much darling for an awesome recommendation.. for knowing
i would like it because it was all you said.. thought-provoking to me,
cute, i...
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