the sky was an unbelievable aqua green in the morning.. i can see the sun peeping through the clouds.. rising above and beyond each one of them.. crocodile shaped cloud almost seems ready to swallow it as it holds the sun open-mouthed.. spellbound.. the clouds seem to dress up the sky with their unique shapes and designs.. the sun filling its own hues to add to the ethereal mystique.. today i was wondering about our changing beliefs and how still we need them to be followed by everyone.. even though we only believe in them till the next experience brings a new one.. do these thoughts distract us from having a conversation with our mind.. are we so embroiled in them we dont have time to enjoy any experience.. as they pull us away sometimes as a streak of light.. sometimes riding into the darkness.. sometimes exhilarated flight.. sometimes depressed sinking.. but always erratic.. impatient.. jumping.. running.. racing.. always taking us along.. let us watch them at play.. just watch.. without joining their dance.. because we are meant to be here.. in this moment.. they can be our detached entertainment.. where we neither join nor react nor judge.. just observe and enjoy..
Thank you 3️⃣4️⃣
😘1️⃣Thank you so much darling for an awesome recommendation.. for knowing
i would like it because it was all you said.. thought-provoking to me,
cute, i...
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