Friday, January 22, 2010


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with a handful of moments to his name, man selflessly continues to squander them on the mundane trivia of another's life..

For true care one needs to be both a fan and a critic..

a sense of humor with just the right dash of 'tang' to it - saves on identity crisis at least you can always be sure you've come knocking at the right door..

pleasure or pain.. neither remains constant.. revolving totally around perceptions and shifting focus..

Is it the journey or the destination!! life can rush past unfelt.. leaving us looking back in empty reminiscence..

every moment in life IS felt by us.. but in the mad rush towards various targets we set for ourselves.. we feel the joy or pain of reaching that crest.. but forget entirely that we were meant to enjoy what we are doing.. and instead of excelling at it by giving it our best shot.. our entire focus changes to fretting over outer 'results'.. mostly at the expense of every other aspect of our life.. whether family.. friends or ourselves..

If Recognition, Acceptance and love are few of the most basic Human Needs.. then why do we still ignore ourselves..

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