Is Meditation like dusting away the collected cobwebs of our mind.. or watchful dodging of the 'mindfield' within.. or minding a garden by weeding out negative emotions.. or simply a walk.. not through a maze but hand-in-hand with a single thought!
every reverse side also has a reverse side
We can be hurt by nothing but our thoughts.
Which is more embarrassing - hate or love..
Shifting focus is all it takes.. for perceptions not situations determine the pendulum of our life..
What is our fight with.. the person or an issue.. so punch the issue man!
most of us are angry at our loved ones.. but none able to care enough to help the change possible that we expect..
we hold a lot of grudges against people around us.. unaware of the 'destruction' we are wreaking within.. while the other moves on unaware.. carefree..
we make rules to make life easy for us.. and become their slaves instead..
if we have a disagreement about something.. we fight with the person.. and not his point-of-view..
how can we not rejoice.. how can we not be shamed.. by the seamless cohesion of a thought.. defying man's audacious boundaries..
life's subtle nuances and fleeting tangencies determine the imprints of our tread.. that need simply to meld into the sand..
every experience is unique to that moment.. determining the next step of our life.. though the way might be the same.. our perceptions define the range we see..
ethereal notes unbidden string the rhythmic pulse of life..
In a recent fire, Two women refused to abandon their invalid in-laws, stoically watching everyone else vacate the building.. if history teaches by example why no one regales moments like these to the stigma attached to this relationship.. our lives are filled with moments that somehow get overshadowed by momentary grievances..
if our faith makes miracles happen.. let us shift focus to the 'positives' of life..
our minds hold an iota of divinity in our memory.. and that's what makes us yearn for something more..
nothing could be more ethereally sacred than renewing our vows blessed purely by the cosmos..
Humor! the only secret ingredient unburdening the woes of life..
some people fill our Heart with joy and hope frolics on it's strings..
if through hypnotic regression we can return to any past life, does that mean our own mind is the author of our story.. making all these worlds 'real' for us, becoming both victim and judge.. until we learn to center it enough to truly 'live' a single moment..
it's not about how life treats you.. but how YOU treat life!!
music enraptures.. entrances.. transcends.. transports.. all we need is to find the song in our soul that beats to the music of the spheres..
if most inter-personal conversations get 'lost in translation'.. sign-language might be a better option - at least it will help retain our sense of humor..
CHANGE is the only constant.. laughing in the face of joys and woes..
people are terrified of change until the right incentive.. not realizing the imperceptible 'changes' life wreaks on our beliefs.. reactions.. natures.. everything.. determining our present.. 'changing' our future..
sometimes expression comes straight from the heart involuntarily..
a delightful combo this insightful acceptance of life's frailties.. with the right tinge of humor and child-like joy in it's simple pleasures imbuing magic in them..
some moments assure it's not the occasion but the people who symbolize joy..
the color of joy more riveting than all the brightness around..
we can only be who we are and react accordingly.. no point fretting or judging.. for as each changes with time.. so do opinions and reactions.. we all pass these tiny 'life lessons' strewn across the path of our lives..
as a middle person it's mostly better to show each 'the other side'.. though it might not make an overt difference.. but definitely helps everyone in the long run..
the unabashed love reflected in words can make someone so happy.. because some people are so readily there for everyone.. without any expectations.. that most people forget to realize they need to thank them once in a while.. there's this lovely song 'you are my... sunshine' tailor-made for such expression..
just hold on to the beautiful core that people cherish.. for it is what keeps them going..
lighting up lives comes naturally to those whom each time you think of - a smile comes to mind..
a friend of mine says if cats are gonna decide our fate then we're in serious trouble!! if life is all about the right choices and paths.. imagine one in 'black and white'
illness takes its toll in unobtrusive ways.. hope we find the reserves of strength needed to be there.. for them.. and to deal with it ourselves..
make someone's dreams possible.. the ultimate dream gift package.. a trip to paradise..!!
worries neither solve nor change anything at all.. our presence and our care will help all around.. including ourselves..
lack of 'attachment' is what frees us from our karmic cycle..
we can make our loved one's days really 'warm' and to hell with the met department..
let us heed the 'safe' wake up calls of life to shrug off our apathy..
all we can truly do with ailing parents is BE strong enough to look beyond the ailment.. we knew they will not let us fall.. hope we can give them the same assurance..
Historic tales become adventurously wondrous paths that 'reach home' to all.. hiding tiny impressions that help us enjoy the 'way'.. subtly honing awareness towards the 'choices' we make..
whether love or war, each holds the other within it's fist..
let talks crystallize into wishes to realize them..
confiding one's problems translates into 'weakness' or 'trust'.. most everyone can fight their own 'wars'.. but we all need someone to 'understand'..
if our thoughts determine the world as we see it.. let us become the change we expect.. very few let themselves be who they are.. each too busy 'looking good'.. 'heartspeak' always touches..
the stories we make up in our minds become the biggest hurdle to whatever we need to do in life..
some have an intuitive insight into life's idiosyncrasies.. an exact and amazing elaboration.. easily expressed..
keep your heart and mind open.. for all we know is meshed with someone Else's experience.. let us enjoy a few discoveries of our own..
Thank you 3️⃣4️⃣
😘1️⃣Thank you so much darling for an awesome recommendation.. for knowing
i would like it because it was all you said.. thought-provoking to me,
cute, i...
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