there is a vacuum.. defeating.. empty.. questions unanswered vainly protesting in aged pain.. at the 'terrorism' around.. where 'duty' wears the garb of so many faces.. misleading.. hypnotic.. luring gullible humanity into a belief in it's own truth.. so many shades and facets to everything.. easily colored to make the perfect picture we need to see.. committing infinite atrocities.. the frame filled with hues justifying.. beautifying.. into masterpieces personifying exemplary causes.. duty.. martyrdom.. even divinity.. and 'innocence' dies.. all around.. and within..
words.. so many words.. 'money for the family'.. yet the only legacy left behind.. is tears.. loss.. trauma.. and guilt.. exposing them to a life of uncertainty.. danger.. vulnerability.. for one who pays to kill.. cannot be a saviour..
killing.. dying.. 'in the name of God'.. 'religion'.. 'caste'.. myriad causes on the path to 'divinity'.. footprints stained with blood spilled on the 'sacred' way..
Thank you 3️⃣4️⃣
😘1️⃣Thank you so much darling for an awesome recommendation.. for knowing
i would like it because it was all you said.. thought-provoking to me,
cute, i...
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