wish more of us could taste the sweetness of each moment as that strawberry.. sieving through the demons of the past and future.. gnawing away at our present..
enlightenment depends on the individual 'soul', not any singular religion or belief..
everything we do in life.. is in our hands.. it is ours to make the choice.. circumstances might be out of our hands.. but how we take them.. how we deal with them.. is the freedom we can enjoy or forsake..
each time we need to learn or know something.. we 'interpret' it the way we see it.. the 'translation' always 'subjective'.. at times 'derisive'.. the 'essence' mostly 'overflowing' and we move on.. conditioned not to waste.. our time..
really ironic and so true.. 'monkeysphere'.. a total 'wake-up' name for the 'blinkers' we have made of our life.. with the right touch of levity that makes you wanna cry at the 'joke' we have made of life and humanity.. immunizing.. numbing.. a self that believes it truly cares
when something affects you deeply.. words always form a melody of their own.. appreciation is mostly always there.. but an appreciation that compels you to respond.. in humbled awe.. always reflects shades of the same beauty within
just looking at these paintings.. vibrant.. sensual.. manic.. seeking.. settled.. myriad hues.. myriad emotions.. each putting their own meaning.. finding their own truth.. leaving none unaffected by this exultant splendour.. formless.. free.. of 'life' in all it's naked glory.. celebrating every shade.. merging into a cohesive whole of stupendous beauty..
you know what is stupendously beautiful.. the 'difference' you have made.. to smiles.. and the 'care' wrapped in every word..
there are so many who walk with us.. always by our side.. but a rare few lighten the journey in just a few steps..
hope we can always see past the words.. because it is essentially in the 'unsaid' that truth resides..
friendship is the breath of every relationship.. indefinable.. unfettered.. immeasurable.. irreplaceable..
we are all protesting every moment, at some mishap in our lives.. whether big or small.. petulant.. pompous.. like the world owes us something.. not ourselves.. but to go through life trying to come to terms with one trauma after another.. with all it's ups and downs.. to somehow rise above it.. to face ourselves.. to live with ourselves.. and laugh for everyone around.. when life itself becomes one big 'protest' making us the alchemist.. and the element.. all at once.. it's a feat most can't ever imagine.. and pray to God don't have to undergo.. can feel the pain of a tortured soul.. it's a shame to humanity.. that we can't recognize 'gold' when we see it.. and look for the midas touch..
that I could touch your heart.. to make a difference in that one moment, when you need the realization in another's eyes.. means a lot to me..
in the veil of 'anonymity' and 'strangeness'.. silent symphonies sometimes orchestrate into breathtaking music.. reaching a soul crescendo, impossible to replicate, imagine, or play again.. thank you, for recognizing the 'music' within..
I am amazed that you bring out these distinctions so palpably.. where the words become a 'touch'..
yes, our 'masks' sit so perfectly that even we don't recognize our own truths anymore.. conveniently hiding in the folds of the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind.. instead of 'revealing' the truths hidden there..
never availing the synchronicity of these three levels.. translated into heart mind and soul.. finding all the 'answers' we seek.. right here.. within us.. the 'divinity' we seek.. right here.. within us.. the riches we seek.. right here.. within us.. holding.. as we do.. in our words.. the 'magic' the 'miracle'.. as real
A world famous violinist said this about his success in playing Beethoven's Violin Concerto: "I have a splendid violin, a splendid bow and splendid music. All I need to do is bring them together and get out of the way."
A teacher giving a lecture on modern inventions asked her students if they could mention something of importance that did not exist 50 years ago. One bright lad raised his hand and said, "Me!"
An image keeps holding me spellbound.. a bird sitting on my windowsill.. and I hold my breath.. lest it fly away.. not because I don't want it to.. only.. it's a miracle happening.. in every way.. I glimpse an angel who plays a symphony, and gets out of the way..
words are inadequate reflections of reality. A man thought he knew what the Taj Mahal was because he was shown a piece of marble and told that the Taj was just a collection of pieces like that. Another one was convinced that, because he had seen Niagara water in a bucket, he knew what the Falls were like.
"The beater and the beaten:
mere actors in a play
that is as short-lived as a dream."
'intrusion' in any way, puts us involuntarily on our guard.. and I'm sorry, for invading that 'space'..
I know it's damned easy to talk.. and parables only jar faced with 'experience'.. and I am sorry.. whoever has hurt you so crushingly.. all I can say is why play into their hands.. why give them the satisfaction of seeing you 'shatter'.. however many fingers point at a person.. your 'reaction' becomes a reflection in their hearts.. none of those 'fingers' owe you anything.. but you do.. so take hold of your life.. and to hell with what anyone else thinks.. the 'truth' in a child's eyes is all that matters.. and the only thing worth fighting for..
anonymity' from what.. it's like a child closing his eyes believing no one can see him.. and though most of us grow up to be no different.. still, how can there ever be complete anonymity.. from ourselves.. from the 'light' within..
all that 'anger' is aimed at whom.. for can't you see it is only 'destroying' you..
hold on to that part of your soul that still belongs to you.. not marred or destroyed by the 'outside'.. don't let your whole life revolve around 'reacting'.. live your life the way you would have wanted it to be..
I know nothing of your life, am in no way equipped to 'comment'.. and it's so much easier to give advice than to follow it.. but one thing I do believe.. and that is no one can help us.. but ourselves..
it was close to dawn.. and the sky looked awesome.. broken clouds dappled with amazing colors.. in divine representation of struggle and serenity..
each unique in wondrous ways.. Myriad brush strokes of moving colors.. Drawing unmatched hues in every soul
no one can or should run away from their past.. but to 'live' in it imprisons one in a time-capsule.. as you so rightly put.. 'history' translates into a series of learning experiences, contrite or otherwise.. and it's major role in our lives is to move on.. with it.. to learn.. from it.. not to hold on.. or stay.. for a moment that is past.. can only be redeemed.. in the 'present'..
Words aren't always able to express the subtle nuances of Experience.. Each finding our own substance as per our readiness for it.. striking a different note a different connotation at different moments.. like the same sunshine warms in winter and burns in summer..
words of anger.. words of contrition.. reach us.. touch us.. which stays.. is for the heart to recognize.. with myriad emotions and thoughts.. a person remains more than just a word.. or act.. thank you.. it's a rare quality.. to naturally mend in such candid ways..
if we could just take out the time to 'hear' every heart.. the melody might never leave us the same again.. for each beat touches beauty and holds it inside.. expressing in unseen ways.. for eyes that could someday see.. and unfurl in it's purity.. thank you for the fervency of your words..
yes, Truth and real life can be stranger than fiction.. because fiction is man's imagination.. and life.. a divine creation with every Individual 'unique' in his looks.. thoughts.. action.. behaviour.. soul..
the depth is there in each one of us.. 'realizing' it in myriad ways.. work, home, family, calling etc.. whether words or deeds.. this depth never fails to 'touch' another.. filling a void in ourselves..
though love speaks a universal language.. it's 'cadences' are sometimes misconstrued..
it's easier to talk than experience a given moment.. and I apologize for searing your soul in anyway..
in this virtual world, words become the 'mirrors' to our soul.. undisturbed.. unmarred.. maybe the result of a 'projection'.. through the compelling protection of a veil.. but sometimes.. a truer glimpse.. to someone who cares..
emotions become fluid melody sometimes.. and music transcends.. in search towards the self..
what is beautiful is the ripples these thoughts form, ever-widening.. till a wave takes them with it to the shore..
'salutation' is an art.. and a gift.. thank you..
it's possible to visualize the ocean in a single drop.. thank you for helping the vision brim over..
crossing the barrier of space and time.. constraints that shroud us in lonely compartments.. what is truly lovely is bridging that gap..
The Review is but a shadowy reflection of the book itself.. thank you.. for enlightening us.. in this heartfelt way.. revealing truths that remain.. pushing none.. compelling none.. each sees and imbibes as per their heart and readiness.. and you leave that space.. untouched..
you capture the ocean in a single drop.. and let it flood our senses..
thank you.. for giving us the essence of a culture in the same spirit..
Thank you 3️⃣4️⃣
😘1️⃣Thank you so much darling for an awesome recommendation.. for knowing
i would like it because it was all you said.. thought-provoking to me,
cute, i...
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