"Gridiron Gang" is a powerful movie based on a true story of One man's quest to make a difference in the life of troubled young charges at Camp Kilpatrick, a maximum security juvenile compound.. helpless he watches with his colleague every attempt to 'guide' these youngsters frustrated.. and they wonder at their 'job' as probation Officers.. for nothing really changes.. unable to appease the 'violence' and 'confusion' in each inmate.. in vain they try to 'check' their behaviour.. watching them either return to prison after release.. or hear of their violent 'death' on their return to the streets.. and how he turns hardcore teen felons into a high school football team in 4 weeks.. instilling values like respect for themselves and their life.. playing as a team and standing up for each other.. feeling in their hearts the roaring applause all around that said they were special.. and the gleam of respect and pride in the eyes of their loved ones.. something each needs desperately.. just doesn't know the right way.. the story proves.. yes, one man can make a difference.. and no child is hopeless.. if you care enough to become the way.. a profound message to all the 'educators' of this world..
Congratulations for Success 1️⃣5️⃣
👏1️⃣With the infinite you tube videos just on your name search, i think
you can start your own you tube channel and share them all in one place..
true w...
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