Is it as simple as realizing the lesson within any problem.. for it to go away..
just the other day we were discussing 'Many Lives Many Masters'.. and the 'lessons' we need to learn in each lifetime.. what was really amazing was no one had a clue as to what lessons we could be learning or have learnt already.. and the 'dismissal' of any average routine life as of no import.. how do we keep forgetting there really IS no one else like us.. the tiny inputs each gives to his/her life.. it's special.. and unique.. and at no cost to be discounted dismissively as nothing or a waste.. as the zen masters say..When Tired in answer to Enlightenment.. this is it.. every moment needed to be 'present'.. we are all moving towards the same 'light'.. it's a really difficult lesson.. but I think we need to flood every moment with a child's awe and yet take our achievements in our stride..
Congratulations for Success 1️⃣5️⃣
👏1️⃣With the infinite you tube videos just on your name search, i think
you can start your own you tube channel and share them all in one place..
true w...
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