all of us tend to 'label' ourselves and others, making it the defining factor of each.. like being short-tempered.. rude.. sensible.. pacific.. workaholic.. shackling human nature into narrow self-made constraints.. when each is born free..
a clean slate at birth.. the same sky and sea.. the same horizon.. a heart that beats.. rhythmic.. settled.. and the conditioning starts.. the boundaries start.. countries.. colour.. status.. caste.. religion.. culture.. education.. character.. relationships.. and 'humanity' protests at the 'synonyms' that confound.. that were never defined.. narrowing more and more and more.. till there is barely any room left to breathe.. those who do come up gasping, finding an 'escape bubble' for themselves.. instead of the 'air'.. fresh.. free.. alive..
the world is the same.. each possesses it differently.. the earth is the same.. each shapes it differently.. humanity is the same.. each defines it differently.. the air.. the sky.. the sea.. the soul.. nature in all it's glory.. only things that are out of our reach.. remain unbound.. free..
Thank you 3️⃣4️⃣
😘1️⃣Thank you so much darling for an awesome recommendation.. for knowing
i would like it because it was all you said.. thought-provoking to me,
cute, i...
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