Dear Mr. Rassouli,
Just wanted you to know the magazine is doing a cover story on Rumi, and that is how their Dep Editor, affected by Ms Oorvazi Irani's impressions of your work, put me in touch with your site. I will always be grateful to them for the same. For an artist's impression of verse and emotions, that we can only feel, never picturize, and then to see that unfolding, taking shape and form.. touches some sacred core, in shared recognition and pervasive elation. As ethereally as your work touches an echoing chord within, I would love to share the emotion, your thoughts, as you paint.
Such fluid movement cascading into sheer stillness.. feelings that defy expression.. or containment.. and yet you capture them.. so beautifully.. and yet you release them.. for all to see.. and the heart feels.. the whirlpool.. the silence.. the abandon.. the light.. in all it's stages.. touched beyond words.. as you define this synchronicity.. of manic abandon.. and settled peace..
Thank you for this vision.. this inner journey so palpably moving..
Thank you 3️⃣4️⃣
😘1️⃣Thank you so much darling for an awesome recommendation.. for knowing
i would like it because it was all you said.. thought-provoking to me,
cute, i...
A remarkable topic!
thank you.. it is.. just looking at these paintings.. vibrant.. sensual.. manic.. seeking.. settled.. myriad hues.. myriad emotions.. each putting their own meaning.. finding their own truth.. leaving none unaffected by this exultant splendour.. formless.. free.. of 'life' in all it's naked glory.. celebrating every shade.. merging into a cohesive whole of stupendous beauty..
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