Wednesday, June 15, 2022


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Hi! Though i have no previous work experience in writing professionally, i do enjoy the semblances of the written word as a hobby, weaving artfully moving images in print. 

details about myself.. the term continues to confound.. meaning so many different things to different people.. perfectly 'fitting' into every role, each faction of our life alien to another.. I'm sorry.. did not mean to be vague here.. you can browse for some of my thoughts, delineating to some extent, what you need to know.. 

Friday, April 30, 2021


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This blog is simply to form a thread of stated problems to truly understand what 'problems' really are.. Thus seeing through them.. looking beyond them.. And thereby getting to the truth about life itself.. This is totally an experimentive effort, which works towards the benefit of all.. For stress has become an inseparable part of our lives, and hearing about the problems of others.. Or just putting them collectively, we might finally realize what is the worst that can happen to us.. And how trivial some of the things seem in comparison.. It might bode for a better empathic understanding of mankind as a whole.. Where we look out and stand up for each other.. Also there might be as many hands helping each other out simply because we are all on the same page..  

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

visual collage

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An image paints for us differently,
words speak to us differently,
silence breathes in us differently,
life means to us.. differently..

This is my first attempt at a blog or writing.. would really appreciate all the help, views, suggestions, thoughts, stories, I can get..

wish this site to be essentially interactive.. forming a ripple effect that widens more and more.. 'touching' myriad souls, into 'one' thought.. universal.. human.. a breath of air..

you can mail me at or leave your comments on this page..


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I would like to thank all the People who's references I have used.. whether in the form of reference.. information.. images.. or education.. their hard work is deeply appreciated and acknowledged.. I would specially like to thank Bizwhiz for the help he gives through his page.. A lesson that inspires, not simply teaches.. some sites are interesting or inspiring or beautiful, but few induce gratitude unanimously..

Let us Share

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Anything that affects our soul profoundly is worth sharing.. whether incidents.. stories.. books.. movies.. news.. discovery..