Sunday, December 20, 2020

Orange haze

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Waiting for the sun to come out.. moon is still high up in the sky.. somehow these days the birds are quiet.. not racing across the sky.. or calling out to each other.. the sky cloudless and clear blue.. the sea reflecting a darker hue of the same.. a beautiful sunrise and beautiful day.. today is my fast and have a really heavy head.. the sun is changing colors.. and i love this.. right here.. right now.. an orange haze all around the sun.. so beautiful.. 


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The sky was a brilliant line of orange in the morning.. a light that dispersed into hues of yellow, pink and blue.. as the sun walked closer and closer.. It rose real low in the sky today.. amazingly brilliant.. not muted as lately it has been for a little time at least.. poised in the sky like a toy tempting the children of earth to come and play.. its rejuvenating to see the sun come out like this.. a quiet healing in the hidden portions of my soul.. and i wish my words would flow with the same brilliance.. or break out into song.. or paint splashes of inconceivable hues.. at once heartening.. slaking.. rejoicing.. in a new day.. in a pure love.. in such gifts.. these miracles.. in my smallness like a speck in the cosmos.. in my specialness.. for it is all meant for me.. in my loneliness like i am an island unto myself.. in my oneness.. like the whole cosmos is fluidly dissolved in me.. like a drop is water.. and so is the sea.. 


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Its a beautiful dawn.. with pigeons silently flying across the sky.. the sun is a brilliant crimson orb.. wooing.. beckoning.. the moon still high up.. an unbelievably awesome sight.. each complementing the other.. dazzling.. soothing.. the sky streaked with orange light.. wonder why winter mornings are so hushed.. now the sun is a huge orange ball of fire.. at once someone you want to play with.. someone you dont want to mess with.. an eagle flew real low across the sun.. gliding regally.. another miracle happening in this world.. the wind blows harder.. in reminder of its wondrous presence.. and i sit here unable to take it all in.. not in words.. nor in my heart.. that feels ready to burst.. thanking.. blessing.. one and all.. an ethereal orange halo around the sun mesmerizing into a spellbound moment.. one that i cannot freeze.. one that needs to move on.. one that stays within.. in myriad heartening ways.. my eyes walk the divine orange path drawn across the heart of the sea.. shimmering.. glowing.. beckoning.. a lesson that we all need to learn.. to be colorless enough to reflect the colors of this world unaffectedly... this dawn teaching that it is not about possessing.. there will be a new dawn everyday.. it is important to move on.. to accept change.. to let go.. in every relationship there are ups and downs.. holding on to the good moments makes both life and our memories beautiful.. 

Positives of life

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Saw a divine sight today.. like two hands of the heavens came together to hold the sun in their palm.. its a completely overcast cloudless sky.. a strange misty morning.. saw a lot of crows cleaning themselves.. poking themselves with their beaks, creating a shudder-like sensation that would brush out their feathers by opening each one of them.. instead of spreading out to fly.. now i know why so many of them look so tousled first thing in the morning.. and then groomed again.. the sun is an orange orb high in the sky.. a muted light beckoning to touch.. to hold.. we spoke late into the night and i loved the two examples of people who one can learn from.. one about a man and his road trips.. taking time out for himself.. being adventurous.. following his dream.. and one who gives everyone around the freedom to do whatever they want.. instead of opinionating and overpowering others as we all are prone to doing.. children learn from such experiences.. and i hope we all are able to take such positives into our life.. yday was mata ki chowki.. an uplifting and euphoric experience.. like the rising sun.. a sensation of just holding on.. and never letting go.. fluid melting.. into divinity itself.. the sun is so high i can see the tiles of our terrace glow a bright orange.. not an iota of this world remains untouched by what just seems a tiny speck in the sky.. 

Three major vices

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The sun is a heartstopping crimson ball beckoning to hold and play.. you just take in such beauty, not hold on or cling.. for though each one of us is uniquely special.. no one is singularly so.. the three major vices on top of my list are vanity, temper and ego.. and all of them reek of possessiveness of the body.. and a self.. why is it so important to be heard and not just hear what the others say.. with acceptance of their opinion.. without slotting it as right or wrong.. for in their state and position.. it feels right for them.. why cant beauty be appreciated and rejoiced in others, instead of pandering to the self.. does not appreciation become an expression of the self.. and guileless simplicity an aphrodisiac.. there is always regret hiding in any instant reaction.. responsiveness is the key to celebrating Gods blessings on earth, and making him our connfidante and friend, elevates our soul magnetically.. 

A walk with my soul

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Today i walked hand in hand with my soul.. having a conversation in the form of a story.. asking the sun to help unveil the light within.. so i can feel it.. so i can help heal others too.. our souls enter these bodies in a game of hide and seek.. and we search high and low.. finding clues.. running helter skelter.. finding.. hoarding so much.. yet still oblivious to what we seek.. like the musk.. heady.. misleading.. driving us insane.. the sun is high in the sky.. a beautiful orange light beckoning ethereally.. there is so much color in the world.. every shade unique and beautiful.. why are we picking all the shades that we dislike.. manically.. incessantly.. blind to the ones that glow constantly.. if just once we could pick the right colors and paint a beautiful life.. string the right notes and dance to their lyrics.. taste their fruits.. smell the heady fragrance of our soul.. feel the divine touch of Gods hand and reach home finally.. 

Moment seeds

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As the sun rose a cloud covered it as if it was wearing glares.. the only clouds across the horizon are around the sun.. beautifully glowing orange in color.. its an indescribable feeling.. watching the sunrise every morning.. like greeting a new day.. new life.. new moment seeds freshly scattered across our mind field.. worshippingly watered with a morning obeisance.. compelling a prayer harvested by the heart.. saluting.. thanking.. celebrating.. asking to be blessed.. by the sun.. the moon.. the stars.. the sky.. the sea.. fire and wind.. all the elements.. mother earth.. mother nature.. all living and non living things.. all animate and inanimate objects.. to ask them to be seen in you.. and you in them.. secure in the oneness of life.. and its love and protection.. celebrate gods gifts.. asking to let your prayers hold the well-being of your relatives, friends, acquaintances, all the souls present and gone by.. and yourself and your family.. including any future generations born and unborn.. 

Architect and Architecture

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The sun is up.. a muted ball of fire.. a misty morning.. hushed.. serene.. dont know how one can resist the magic of dawn.. nor how we miss out on it completely.. safely shrouded in our concrete facades.. asleep in life and bed.. crying about our lack.. incomprehensibly unaware of the riches around.. bemoaning being alone and uncared for.. impervious of the love and magic showered on us every moment.. uniquely divine heirs needing fictional legacies.. y'day someone showed me a video on architecture.. and that person spoke as if he was envisioning poetry.. averring form is fiction.. what a beautiful recognition of the relationship between architect and architecture.. shaping stories into structures.. challenging.. questioning the mechanical creations in an area full of life.. 

Meaning of fun

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The first slightly cloudy sky of this year.. its beautifully cool and windy.. was wondering this morning about love and discipline.. the meaning of fun in a childs life.. and do we teach them not to do certain things or create an awareness of the repercussions.. helping them respect themselves and this life enough to enjoy every aspect of life without the interim hurt to self and others.. questions we need them to ask are..
What is the meaning of fun in your lives?
Who loves you the most in your life?
Whom do you trust the most?
Who will die if something happens to you?
What could a parent want the most in life?
If a friend is going wrong do you caution him/her?
What are you looking for?
Can you talk about it with your parents?
Whatever happens in life who needs to live with it first ?
Why do you think your parents have made these rules?
If your parent is going wrong will you ask them to stop?
Do you think people respect fitting in or standing out?

Handful of experiences

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Did not come y'day as had not slept the whole night chatting as friends came over.. its the most beautiful feeling to be a part of children.. like experiencing sunrise right here.. right now.. being with friends gives a feeling of oneness.. little mirrors reflecting facets of our own soul.. one left yday and i could see the missing in the kids.. of the little sister needing attention 24x7.... the sister bonding where she can share the new experiences of life.. i just see my heart smiling in her.. a reflection of my mom.. the prayer of my brother.. a blessing from God.. everyday we collect these handful of experiences.. cling to a fistful of them.. whether they become grit or air.. is our choice.. i want them to bloom as flowers.. as homage to the world and the divinity within.. today the birds are flying across the sun.. and today they call out for attention.. greeting a beautiful morning.. 

Cloud cover

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Its an amazing dawn.. the sky interspersed with myriad clouds edged with an orange light.. the sun yet to come out.. but the message of its advent is written all across the heart of the sky.. a painting impossible to copy with its changing brush strokes in joyous play.. with clouds enhancing the beauty of the sky.. why do we compare sadness to clouds on our horizon.. can see them parting to create a path for the light of the heavens.. the silver lining transforming to shades of orange and gold.. have got up today with a question in my mind on the creation and existence of a lie.. do we lie only because of fear.. the sky is a brilliant orange streaming from all across the clouds.. fingers of light stretching across the sky.. in divine pose of coming awake.. forming the hand of God in blessing this world and everyone in it.. subsiding.. dismissing the rising confusion.. the questions.. the answers.. cocooned in this hush.. embraced by the heavens.. lit up from within.. alone yet so much a part of everything and everyone.. the sun teasingly invisible still.. there it rises.. in glimpses of light.. peeping through deep cloud cover.. in all its glory and presence.. a miracle happening daily.. one few are part of.. but it remains unchanging in its routine.. its glory and its message of a new day.. a fresh start.. a recurring beauty.. an equal miracle.. creating whirlpools of light today.. 

The answers we seek

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The sky was beautiful this morning with brushstrokes gone wild all over.. in shades of blue, white and orange.. the sun has risen really early.. maybe earlier because it rose really low across the horizon behind the buildings.. y'day was full of disappointments and hurt wherever i turned.. everyone i spoke to needed a hand and the right advice to help them feel lighter.. my heart still feels heavy with helplessness.. where are those moments of clarity where divinity speaks through your heart.. is it submerged under the ego of the I.. can i rise above that.. i have to.. because i feel i am sinking right now.. this is a prayer.. please bless us with the answers we seek.. 

All of me

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The sun is visible as an orange ball of fire.. rising behind the buildings.. the sky a brilliant orange every morning across the horizon.. to see the sunrise.. the sun right in front of you.. the wind playing with your hair.. touching your skin.. create a yearning for something unnamed.. mixed with nameless satiation.. sitting here bathed in this orange light.. i feel touched by God.. the energy is unbelievable.. the minuteness and largeness inescapable.. i want to experience this moment with all of me.. my heart.. my mind.. my soul.. all my senses attuned only to the miracle happening right here right now.. burning away all the burdens of yesterday.. lighting up every dark corner.. penning a story with rays of light.. if only i could hold on to this pen.. and imbue my thoughts with sunshine..  

False beliefs

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There is peace all around, and this is what i strive to have within.. the incessant bird sounds, intimating the morning rush of routine and conversations, maybe songs of pure natural joy.. the thump thump of a ball being dribbled.. the slight creaking of the swing.. people sitting around chatting in circles of friends.. someone training for fitness.. the sky a silent witness, looking down at such serenity.. a subtle fragrance in the air reaching in teasing temptation.. can i grow this garden within me, with a swing lulling me into quiet perception of the people and things around entering and passing by.. figments of thought clouds forming shapes and patterns that i observe and let go, like strangers visiting my garden.. someone jogs past.. some are walking in shared silence.. everything on the periphery of attention, free, detached, comfortable.. the yoga group unfolds their huge mat to start their class.. a few crows decide to have their meeting on the grass.. it is a beautiful morning.. it is a routine morning.. it is a free dawn.. today i keep thinking of conditioning and belief systems.. and if we can break it for our children.. will they have a better world.. changing beliefs like anger, tension, stress, depression are natural.. that we need to find happiness outside.. that our whole life is a projection for the people around for whom we are performing.. that physical strength means more than a mental one.. 

Eagles calling out

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The sun and sky are beautiful.. the eagles calling out to each other with a keening sound.. crows cleaning up the leftovers of last nights get together on the terrace.. the wind so cool and so heavy i can hear it.. feel it.. and always love its cooling sensuous touches.. i wish i always have the energy and will to come and greet a fresh sunrise everyday.. its healing touches lighting up the darkening corners of my soul.. rebuilding.. energizing.. opening all the shut doors and windows letting light stream into every aspect of my life.. last nights walk was really funny.. lately it has been full of laughter and smiles.. a little bit of wisdom.. a little bit of advice.. a little bit of sharing.. and lots and lots of smiles.. so we kept thinking of the first tune of any song and fitting it with under the blanket added to it.. we were in splits..