Tuesday, August 13, 2024


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The spaces between hearts are meant to be covered

Unknots itself

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Why stop to

untangle a life that unknots itself


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Learn to

understand life but unlearn to understand



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We are becoming all that we will ourselves to be

Tapestry of time

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Every moment is a stitch

we weave into the tapestry of time

Fresh start

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 Why regret when every moment can become a fresh start

Noise in your head

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Stop letting the noise in your head suppress your own voice

Living our life

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Our minds

are living

our life for us

Silent homage

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Let our

thoughts become poetry in silent homage to life


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If individuality is so important, why ape a world you dislike

Build or shatter

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In the

constancy of life only our thoughts build or shatter our world

Test of time

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The test of time is all about experience, not results

Unimaginable love

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Creation speaks of

unimaginable love

and still we doubt

and still we fear

The way we see things

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Nothing changes except the way

we see things

Words and silence

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Where words

exhale the expressions of life, silence inhales its
