Tuesday, March 2, 2021

expectant ball

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24feb 2021

Lights dived into the sea, earnest in their job as security guards for the expectant ball.. some turned into Wild cats facing the shores, their tails going deep into the sea.. a horse joined their ranks tentatively.. one displayed its prisoner, a shadow imprisoned from days, warding intruders off, in fitting warning.. some turned into streamers spread across the sea, spacing tops twisting in between.. whirling dancers practiced their moves, in a circle of alert sea horses.. buildings paled in disappointment, seeing the curtain of fog tip-toeing in, to shroud the celebrations within.. 

heady trance

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23feb 2021

The wind laden with sleep weighed heavily on every skin.. a soundless world lay quiescent alongside.. what disturbed its silent breath.. what made it flurry groggily around.. picking the groans of the protesting road, dismissed insolently by the traffic sounds.. managing a heady orchestra of the untouched, unfelt, ethereal music that goes unheard.. scaling the staccato notes of a warbler, tuning the earnest sound of sea gulls, letting cuckoos add heady trance, and parrots stream out quirky charm, even crows pitched in as high as they could.. with sparrows aping kissing sounds.. switching to eagles keening soulfully.. cajoling humming pigeons to keep up.. pushing the dragonflies to give background score.. to the rooster's incessant hook line..

Saturday, February 27, 2021

light bombs

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22feb 2021

The wind howled in pain, stinging eyes with empathic emotion.. a vehicle screeched at the road, taken unawares by some pothole.. light bombs shot into the sea, raiding and plumbing for treasure.. the sky darkened gloomily in the absence of the moon.. a feeling of ominous disquiet turned to appease the wind, embraced instead by a cool and happy breeze.. the road displayed a straight smile as vehicles steered smoothly around.. the sea invited the light to stay, undisturbed.. the earth continued to imbibe stories of inevitability and inconstancy in an impermanent life.. watching the sky light up as the sun seeped into its pores and veins and blood.. 

songs of musk

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21feb 2021

The wind played songs of musk, to the soundless music of falling leaves, that rustled and danced their lyrical goodbyes, hushing the storming melodrama in my heart. The flowers smiled words meant-to-be. The sky wrote a rosy eulogy, that sang of life and rest, of experiencing opposite sides. A lone star blinked in emotion. The sea remained a loyal witness to the steady heartbeat of the earth, and the sweet notes of a cuckoo's compelling song, translating happy notes in every ear, breathed ochre hues of the sun.. 

tickling the leaves

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20feb 2021

Streaks of lemon and pink raced across fields of blue, in a relay race without beginning or end.. wings of green raced alongside, shouting in excitement.. uncaring of any lines.. the wind rushed around stamping every spectator present.. tickling the leaves into peals of laughter, rocking branches to bring a smile to the flowers sitting there.. buildings watched stony-eyed, recording everything on their memory walls.. temple bells chimed encouragement.. and gongs thumped to keep their spirit up.. a conch was blown announcing the winners, happily declaring a tie.. and the chief guest rose to reward sashes of sunshine.. with windows catching its rays autographed randomly, amidst heartful applause and colorful ovation.. 

pirouetting hearts

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19feb 2021

The wind drew cloud patterns all across the sky
Swinging clothes, twirling hair, tap dancing with a door, holding flowers up close, pushing branches away.. pirouetting hearts to its beats, begging for a dance.. it pulsed and throbbed in pores, on veins.. leaving none untouched, unmoved.. it breathed its own music on every surface, every skin.. making leaves flutter coyly.. and birds lose their step in furor.. it mocked our emptiness.. filling, touching, connecting every bit of space.. carrying empathic stories and songs, playing the music of the spheres, patnering heaven and earth, it let the sun take centre stage..

sea horses

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18feb 2021

The street lights disguised as sea horses stood guard all along the shores.. camouflaged, staring front and back, lolling with relaxed demeanour.. secure in their belief of peace in the world.. the crows intermittently alerting them of their duty.. wonder why crows are shunned by everyone.. and why they scream incessantly.. every morning finds them talking non-stop, creating a sound collective.. you offer them food, and they call out to each other first.. whether its caution, fear or an invite, no one can know.. interpreting as per our own inner worlds.. the fog has thickened into creating glimpses of ominous concrete apparitions.. and reality chides perceptions once again.. 

language of silence

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17feb 2021

The parrots fly high in the sky, screaming and shouting excitedly.. seemingly purposefully.. maybe to an undefined destination.. but filling their journey with teasing laughter, playing catch and guessing games, breaking into exhilarated patterns stretched across the sky.. making one wonder what they rush towards.. a food station.. or morning prayers.. bathing grounds.. or meeting hall.. parrot town or marketplace.. the flowers smile at this questioning look.. compelling an involuntary grin.. answering in the language of silence.. with hues of happiness and love seamlessly spoken by all three.. making the sky join in.. with a glowing response.. 

cloud elders

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16feb 2021

The sky displayed a pure white unbroken blanket of clouds.. the fog thickened in imitation.. a few broke line, donning darkened masks, wanting to entertain all who waited to welcome the sun.. turning into a carriage and coachman, one raced away.. followed by a horse and rider galloping fast to keep pace.. a hare and a doe wide-eared.. listened keenly through the morning hush.. a whale swam across some cloud waves, majestic in its poised grace.. the parrots flew in thousands to destinations unknown.. holding an inner clock and gps.. uncaring for attention they flew, under the eagle eye of cloud elders, long beards hanging below their open mouths.. the sun peeped out in mellowed hue.. hand in hand with the foggy clouds..

island ships

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15feb 2021

Jumping on to a beckoning cloud, emotions splintering into infinite stories, changing shape and form at will, mocking any comprehension of permanence, transforming the stories they held, into living, evolving freshness. An obscure sound of a plane groaned under the weight of the dreams it held. Specks of lit up island ships sailed lazily, discovering bottled emotions that life rushed through, time deprived. Lights shape an ice rink into a musical note to sea, shadows courting each other in impromptu figure skates.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

grumpy fog

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14feb 2021

The clouds slumped bleary-eyed into the arms of the sky.. embraced lovingly it mussed their hair.. the flowers giggled at this funny sight.. and parrots screamed in laughter, falling over themselves.. a grumpy fog summoned peremptorily, hurriedly covered their gestures of affection.. hiding the parrots as they squealed in protest.. the flowers sighed in fitting rebuke.. the leaves shook in empathic appeasement.. the wind hummed a valentine song, touching and moving wherever it went.. 

shape shifters

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13feb 2021

The sky yawned and stretched lazily, as hordes of parrots called out for attention.. with rosy happiness it watched their antics, as they raced each other, flying into confounding shape-shifting contortions, in fluid dance, graceful and compelling.. noisily waking the eagles, who rushed through their morning routine.. furiously flapping their wings, in an impatient hurry to clean themselves.. under the eagle eye of their elders gliding regally in the sky.. the dreamy sun strolls up enjoying the sights and sounds in preparation of its advent.. a brilliant sight hushing everything, closing eyes in humility.. firing windows with its gaze. Reaching into the stories unfolding there..

paint by numbers

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12feb 2021

The sky displays paint by numbers.. finger-tapping the 1's with pink, 2's with yellow, 3's with orange, 4's with red all across the sky.. intricate contours swirling alluringly.. refusing to be hemmed into recognizable shapes.. a magical painting transforming visibly, in open challenge to duplicate.. imbued with life set free, refusing to conform or encapsulate.. designing its own image. A fleeting Existence, a priceless Memory, chiding designs of worth, identity or permanence.. 

enveloped in pink

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11feb 2021

Stars looked crestfallen, missing the moon.. clouds paled in empathy, rushing to embrace in encouragement.. starlight melted into the clouds.. lightening the visibly relieved sky.. the sun rushed assured messages enveloped in pink.. love notes of myriad hues peeping out compellingly.. emotional lines written in uplifting solace.. the clouds ran around teasingly playing catch, donning the colors of the notes in their hands.. 

language of the Gods

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10feb 2021

The stars came out for a walk, speaking indecipherably, the language of the Gods.. the heavy-lidded moon, watched through a hairline slit, trying ineffectually to keep awake.. fingers of sun reached out to cradle it in their palm.. rocking it lightly to sleep.. clouds woven into a blanket by the sky, froze in their tracks.. falling at its feet, reflecting the hem of its robes.. feet stretching as far as the eye could see.. in humble obeisance.. blessed profusely.. suffused in the colors of worship.. the sky lightening visibly at such guileless display of love.. 

fistsful of orange

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9feb 2021

Dipping their feet in an indescribable palette of colors, the sun rays run amok across the canvas of the sky.. with brushes seeped in myriad hues, they paint rainbows of happiness undulating to the  rhythmic moves of the sun.. the moon smiles entranced.. wide awake in its own dream visual.. delightfully watching fistsful of orange splashed on windows.. and buckets of color raining into the sea.. 

letters in braille

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8feb 2021

The sky compiles an anthology, with star-lit pages, bookmarked by the smiling moon.. lines flying past announcing themselves, wings flapping letters in braille.. the rooster begs mention implorably.. ships recollect treasures of the deep.. clouds open windows into secret manuscripts.. earth talks in circles regaling its inhabitants.. dawn speaks of warmth and light.. with fiery tales of its future self.. as the sun burns its words with heat and color.. dawn and dusk weave introductions and conclusions interchangeably.. breaking into two novels, called day and night.. 

twinkle toes

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7feb 2021

The moon gave center stage to the stars, smiling encouragingly at them.. as they danced all across the sky with tiny twinkle toes.. the breeze blew hair in faces, compelling to look up spellbound.. sea maidens walked lit up paths from their castles hidden deep in the heart of the sea to the surface, in magnetic empathy.. the wind connected every sound into a thundering applause.. dancing in manic furor.. pitching clothes akimbo, and moving entranced.. whistling and hooting.. stopping emissaries of the sun in their tracks.. enabling a last bow before curtain fall.. 

morse code

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6feb 2021

The ever-watchful moon collected the stars, alerting them to an alien presence.. spying a blimp far into the sea, exchange morse messages in relays of responsive lights.. transforming appearances as per code, a spaceship here.. a car there.. a scooter here.. a robot there.. a veritable army disguising themselves in experimentally confused forms.. they converge seeking the shore.. their mission unclear as they plumbed the depths seeking something there.. explorers or settlers, the wind whistled them astray.. creating chilled notes.. making everyone seek protective cover.. shrouding all sound, refusing to give anything away.. the sky woke up a storm of racing lights.. strickening their powers into wooden shapes.. 


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5feb 2021

The wind plays furious music, singing of moving  shades.. the ships horn speaking of adventure and possibilities.. the vehicles blowing their impatience to reach somewhere.. the boats chugging out notes of peace and serenity.. the sky strumming footnotes of rose and pearl.. the parrots chorus their joy of a moment through fun and play.. the rooster weaves awakening notes into bleary dreams.. the eagles pitching to heights undefined..